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[Closed] Hyperlink imgtag / button possible?

Hi, is it possible to have an image that works like an hyper link so when you click it the web browser opens and goes to the specified address?

Current code…

	rollout imagebuttonlink "Image Button Link"

local bm1 = openbitmap "C:\image.jpg"
		imgtag logobitmapBm1 "imgtag" bitmap:bm1 align:#left
		on logobitmapBm1 click do (
			print "click"
                --would like to have  go to address...

		on logobitmapBm1 mouseover do (
			print "over"
		--Regular Hyper link
		hyperLink theName "Autodesk" address:"" color:[255,255,255]
		createdialog imagebuttonlink

Thanks in advance, all help is appreciated (:

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after the autodesk integrated .net into MAX everything is possible. EVERYTHING! except for… but it’s a different story.

shellLaunch test:

rollout test "inet"
	bmred = bitmap 140 20 color:red,
	bmgreen = bitmap 140 20 color:green
	imgtag imagbtn "imgtag" bitmap:bmgreen align:#left
	on imagbtn mouseover do imagbtn.bitmap = bmred
	on imagbtn mouseout do imagbtn.bitmap = bmgreen
	on imagbtn click do
		ShellLaunch "http:\\\\\\" ""
CreateDialog test

Nice will have to check that out some more

Thanks that works perfect

here is an example:

try(form.close()) catch()
form = dotnetobject "MaxCustomControls.Maxform"
	form.text = "Link Label Example by denisT"
	form.Size = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Size" 310 120
	mh = dotnetobject "LinkLabel"
	mh.Text = "Visit Autodesk.  Visit CGTalk."
	mh.AutoSize = on
	mh.links.add 6 8 "" 
	mh.links.add 23 6 "" 
	mh.Dock = mh.Dock.Top 

	fn onLinkClicked s e = 
		s.links.item[s.links.IndexOf].Visited = on
		(dotnetclass "System.Diagnostics.Process").Start		
	dotnet.addeventhandler mh "LinkClicked" onLinkClicked

	ih = dotnetobject "LinkLabel"
	ih.Size = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Size" 32 32
	icon = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Icon" (getdir #ui + @"icons\file_3dsmax_3ds.ico")
	ih.Image = icon.ToBitmap()
	ih.Dock = ih.Dock.Left

	fn onImageClicked s e = 
		s.LinkVisited = on
		(dotnetclass "System.Diagnostics.Process").Start ""	
	dotnet.addeventhandler ih "Click" onImageClicked

	form.controls.addrange #(ih, mh)