[Closed] how to write a loop for a series of actions
I have 1000 photos and want to map one by one into a 3d cube and save the result as an image by writing a loop using scripting, one sample photo will look like this:
Is this poosible? if yes really apprecite any sample code or directions.
Here is some help to get you started.
Well commented
local lastBox = undefined -- remembers the last box you created
-- Put all your pictures in the directory below, or modify to suit your needs, this function does not search recursively
thePictures = getFiles "C:\\My Documents\\My Pictures\\*.jpg"
for pic in thePictures do (
-- create the Material
local theMaterial = standard name:pic diffuseMap:(BitmapTexture filename:pic)
showTextureMap theMaterial theMaterial.diffuseMap on
-- create the Box
if lastBox != undefined then ( local thebox = Box lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 length:1 width:10 height:10 mapcoords:on pos:[(lastBox.pos.x + (lastBox.width+5)),0,0] material:theMaterial )
else local thebox = Box lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 length:1 width:10 height:10 mapcoords:on material:theMaterial
-- show the diffusemap in viewport
lastBox = theBox
Some issues are, if the picture is not a square, it will not appear correct, also a boxes default mapping is on a per-face basis, judging from your link, it appears you want to to look like it’s stretched around a canvas. I’ll let you figure them out
Best of luck, ask away.
This would be infinitely easier with a single grayscale render from max for the lighting and perspective and a photoshop batch script.
-Create photoshop file with proper masks for two sides of cube.
create batch script:
- Transform perspective.
- Apply Mask.
- Set transfer mode to multiply.
Run batch script on folder of images.