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[Closed] how to use the "collect "command?

thanks all for your replies.

so It seems like I can use collect to do this:

fn getNonBodyMeshList = (
		local list =#()
		local meshes=$*mesh_*
		for each in meshes do
			if ( != "mesh_body") then
				append list
		return list

with this:

fn getNonBodyMeshList=(
		for obj in $mesh_*  where != "mesh_body" collect

is this a faster method as well?
my code is full of the former style of object gathering

does collect have an anlaogue in C#?

the fastest way in your case is

 $'mesh_body' as array

Dennis, i think you misread the intent of my code :
return an array of names (strings) for all objects named “mesh_*” excluding “mesh_body”

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Maybe this aproch. I don’t know is it fast but at least you can try

arrNames = #()
mapped fn collectObjNames arr &names =
	append names
collectObjNames selection arrNames

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my bad… well. let me improve myself:

for node in $mesh_* where stricmp "mesh_body" != 0 collect

the stricmp compares strings not case sensitive.

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Is using node instead of a variable like obj also an optimization?
I guess nodes restricts the possibilities searched to scene nodes and excludes any maxscript objects / variables …

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in any loop case node is a local variable. you can use any other

that’s nice Denis, i’d always used matchpattern with ignorecase set as true for that sort of thing.

Thanks for the replies on dontcollect. I can see where you would use it now. I’ve even used it this morning! This was to collect any materials from the selection with a material ID applied. The extra check in this is vray materials have an ID override property that you need to look for too.

mats = for i in (selection as array) where i.material != undefined collect
	-- check for vray mat ID override
	if hasproperty i.material #override_effect_id and i.material.override_effect_id then i.material
		else if i.material.effectsChannel > 0 then i.material 
				else dontcollect

if you dont use dontcollect, you’d get a lot of undefined values in the array. Thanks for the clarification.

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Similar way using mapped fn

  vrMtls = #()
  mapped fn collectVRayMatsByID arr &mtls = 
  	if isKindOf arr.material VRayMtl and arr.material.override_effect_id and \
  	arr.material.effect_id != 0 do append mtls arr.material
  collectVRayMatsByID selection vrMtls

Also, I did some tests to wrap my head around dontcollect
Some psuedo code to illustrate my understanding:

list1=for [exp1] collect --values passing [exp1] are collected
list2=for [exp1] collect [ if [exp2] then (value)] --values failing [exp2] collected as undefined
list3= for [exp] collect  [ if [exp2] then (value) else don't collect] --values failing [exp2] are skipped

does that seem correct?

absolutely correct

so, now I’m trying to think if any of this collect/dontcollect can help me solve this task:

gather all meshes whose diffuse texture is either unique or is the first instance of a shared texture.

that is, for each unique diffuse texture in scene, return a single mesh that uses it.

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are you talking about TextureMap or Bitmap?

I speak of the external file Path of the bitmap value of the mesh’s diffuse map (in our case each mesh has a single diffuse map bitmap file)

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what material do you use? why am i asking? because i might be much easier way to find objects in some specific case

well… do you want to find the first object that uses a specified bitmap texture (file)?

here is a possible solution:

fn findObjectsByTextureUse textureFilename list: firstOnly:on =
	if list == unsupplied do list = objects
	local found = off
	local nodes = for node in list while not found or not firstOnly where node.mat != undefined and finditem (usedMaps node.mat) textureFilename != 0 collect
		found = on
	if firstOnly then nodes[1] else nodes

there are some another…

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