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[Closed] How to transfer data from C# to maxscript

Hello everyone,
I recently have a project need to use C# data,what I want to do is just get a string from C#,then transfer to maxscript,for my goal,C# output a string “Hello World”,then in maxscript,get that string like:

--my goal
get_string_from_c="Hello, World!"

The origin C# code like this:

using System;
public class Hello2
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

To embed into maxscript:

source = "using System;
source += "public class Hello2
source += "{
source += "public static void Main()
source += "{
source += "Console.WriteLine("+"\""+"Hello, World!"+"\""+");
source += "Console.ReadLine();
source += "}
source += "}

csharpProvider = dotnetobject "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider"
compilerParams = dotnetobject "System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters"

compilerParams.GenerateInMemory = on
compilerResults = csharpProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource compilerParams #(source)

global assembly = compilerResults.CompiledAssembly.createInstance "assembly"
--how to get "Hello, World!" now?

Thanks for any help!

7 Replies

Hi @momo2012.

What you are trying is surely easy and direct… but I can’t unserstand what you need.
Any C# method that returns a string will give you directly a string in Maxscript.
In the other direction, any Maxscript string can be used directly by any C# method that requires a string input parameter.

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Hi aaandres,thanks for reply,I need to get some hardware information through C#,I just don’t know how to do that ,is there an example of get data from C# to maxscript ?

public static string sayHelloWord (string str)
string hell= str;
return hell;
// if you want just say string 
// returned ex:str= "hello" in maxscript listener "hello" just fine

public static string[] sayHelloStringArray (int total)
//you could just parallel but now its standard version
string[] hello50times =  new string[total];

for (int i=0 ; i <total ;i++)
string st =  String.Format ("hello : {0}",i);
hello50times[i] = st;
return hello50times 

// if you exe it , it'll return #("Hello : 1","Hello : 2",,,,,,etc) in mxs listener

Hope it help , coz im new too in c# world
as for how to get HW info , you could just read it here

but I believe maxscript has it too. But I forgot it where, maybe some masta here will help you out.

Hi,too much thanks,is that possible to transfer data from C# to maxscript without compile to exe?Just import C# codes into maxscript itself and get the data(strings) from source C# ?

About the hardware infomation, maxscript can do it ,right,but not for all old machines or old OS,so I am trying to do that
(PS,I am C# language newer too)

actually you don’t need to compile anything at all
mxs way
another one

some can some not …I believe if you use “lambda” in c#, it’ll hard to use it directly using maxscript but if its some native method that max c# version support it can…

//in case of this 

//in c#
public static String GetProcessorId()

        ManagementClass mc = new ManagementClass("win32_processor");
        //ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
        String Id = String.Empty;

in maxscript you just 

aa=  dotnetObject "System.Management.ManagementClass"
--showProperties aa 
--showMethods aa 
bb = aa.GetInstances()
--bla bla bla.....

the thing that I still not figuring it out is something like this

Parallel.For (0,total, i => {do something}); how to write it in maxscript?????

altho its almost the same as for{int=i;i<xx;i++} , it just different in performance, because one is multithreaded the later is not , in this case you must compile it as dll or compile it on the fly…

or c# code source in max lower than targeted lang like c# 4,5 where my max still 4

also dont use Console.WriteLine in dll , it wont show anything [but it work, it just had to hack it little] , comparable to print in maxscript listener just use Debug.WritteLine , its in case you work in VS tho.

try to read “windowsdir-sysinfo” in mxs help , altho not many you can get there tho.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Thanks for Great help,thanks for detailed instruction!Hope this can help others too.