Clear all

[Closed] how to this ?????

I am trying ot write a script for unhiding and unfreezing all the objects including layers
my code is like this
It should basically select every object including helpers, shapes, geometry …

Here I am trying on simple boxes

 for o in selection where not(o.layer.on) and (o.layer.unfreeze )  do o.layer.on = true
     select $box*

unhide selection dolayer:true
unfreeze selection dolayer:true

This is working fine but I have to run the same code for 3 times to get what I desire
anything wrong with this code???

1 Reply

I would keep it simple if you are trying to unhide and unfreeze everything…

max unhide all
  max unfreeze all

Unless you want more control…

Look at the .isFrozen and .isHidden boolean values on each object.