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[Closed] How to set the "viewport blowup" values do?

How to set the “viewport blowup” values do?
I use the following methods to set and get the test.

box_blowup = (Box2 bp1 bp2 bp3 bp4) 

viewport.setblowuprect viewport.activeviewport box_blowup

true_box_blowup = viewport.getblowuprect viewport.activeviewport 

But, examined that the project actually does not tally,
I would like to ask how can the same?

2 Replies

make sure that the width and height you set conform to the same aspect ratio as your renderWidth / renderHeight; blowUp rendering always uses the same aspect ratio and trying to set values with a different aspect ratio will result in 3ds Max setting values as close to that aspect ratio as possible.

box_blowup = (Box2 0 0 30 40)
(Box2 0 0 30 40)
viewport.setblowuprect viewport.activeviewport box_blowup
true_box_blowup = viewport.getblowuprect viewport.activeviewport  
(Box2 0 0 53 40)

53.0/ 40.0


Thank you ~ ZeBoxx2 ~