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[Closed] How to select all all the vertex whose vertex alpha is 50?


I fall across a problem:

I set my model’s vertex alpha is 50 in “vertex Properties” panel, and now i need to change them to 20, so how to find the vertex whose alpha is 50? there’re too many models, so it’s diffcult for me to find them manual.

4 Replies
selected = selection as array -- Make array selection
col1 = [0.5,0.5,0.5] --50% alpha
col2 = [0.2,0.2,0.2] --20% alpha
for obj in selected do
	for i = 1 to (meshop.getNumMapVerts obj -2) do  if (meshop.getMapVert obj -2 i) == col1 then meshop.setMapVert obj -2 i col2
	update obj

Just select and run then code…

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Hi akram…
Thanks for your replay:D . It works very well.

And i write this with your help, i write the value (such as:50) in the edittext, then when i click the button “Show Vertex”, all the vertex are selected whoes vaule is 50.
But there’s something wrong in it:

Rollout caption1 "My Tool"
 button click1 "Show Vertex" width:150 height:25 pos:[10,15]
	label lab1 "Vertex Alpha:" width:130 height:25 pos:[10,55]
	edittext editx "" fieldWidth:53 pos:[100,53] labelOnTop:false
	on click1 pressed do
 selected = selection as array
 col1 = ()
 col1 = editx.text
 for obj in selected do
 for n = 1 to (polyop.getNumMapVerts obj) do
 for i = 1 to (polyop.getNumMapVerts obj -2) do  if col1 == (polyop.getMapVert obj -2 i) then select n
  update obj
newroll = newrolloutfloater "ShowVertex" 180 180
addRollout caption1 newroll

The problem with your code is that you are not converting the text value into a color value and i think it would be better if u apply the value rather than selecting it and applying the value.

Code for selection

	Rollout caption1 "My Tool"
		button click1 "Show Vertex" width:150 height:25 pos:[10,15]
		label lab1 "Vertex Alpha:" width:130 height:25 pos:[10,55]
		edittext editx "" fieldWidth:53 pos:[100,53] labelOnTop:false
		on click1 pressed do
				selected = selection as array
				col1 = [1,1,1] * (editx.text as integer)/100
				for obj in selected do
						vertlist = for i = 1 to (polyop.getNumMapVerts obj -2) where col1 == (polyop.getMapVert obj -2 i)  collect i
						polyop.setVertSelection obj vertlist
	newroll = newrolloutfloater "ShowVertex" 180 180
	addRollout caption1 newroll


Code for changing value.

	Rollout caption1 "My Tool"
		button click1 "Change Vertex Alpha" width:150 height:25 pos:[10,15]
-- 		label lab1 "" width:130 height:25 pos:[10,55]
		edittext edit1 "From Vertex Alpha:" labelOnTop:false
		edittext edit2 "To Vertex Alpha:" labelOnTop:false
		on click1 pressed do
				selected = selection as array
				col1 = [1,1,1] * (edit1.text as integer)/100
				col2 = [1,1,1] * (edit2.text as integer)/100
				for obj in selected do
						for i = 1 to (polyop.getNumMapVerts obj -2) where col1 == (polyop.getMapVert obj -2 i)  do polyop.setMapVert obj -2 i col2
						update obj
	newroll = newrolloutfloater "Change Vertex Alpha" 180 180
	addRollout caption1 newroll

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Aha…it’s perfect…

Now i know where i mistake ,Thank you very much…akram. You are thoughful always.