[Closed] How to script Create End bone on a bone chain?
Greetings everyone,
I am learning MaxScript, and I wrote a script that automates bone chain creation.
I’ve found it’s difficult to get the right syntax to “Create End” bone, as in the Bone Tools macro dialogue.
I found code that PiXeL_MoNKeY posted 6 years ago. But I can’t get it to work.
My code creates an end bone “handBoney” at the end of a chain of arm bones, ending with “wristBoney”.
Here’s the code I have:
macros.run "Animation Tools" "BoneAdjustmentTools"
select wristBoney
on CreateEnd_btn pressed do
undo "Create End" on
--select wristBoney
if (selection.count == 1) do
with Animate Off
local wristBoneyTrans = wristBoney.transform
local wristBoneyPos = wristBoneyTrans.translation
local handBoney
with redraw off
handBoney=BoneSys.createBone wristBoneyPos (wristBoneyPos+6) wristBoney.dir
handBoney.transform = wristBoneyTrans
in coordSys Local move handBoney [wristBoney.length,0,0]
handBoney.name=handPrefName + handName + "_bone"
handBoney.parent = wristBoney
putChildIntoAssembly handBoney
handBoney.width = wristBoney.width
handBoney.height = wristBoney.height
handBoney.taper = 90
handBoney.length = (wristBoney.width+wristBoney.height)/2
handBoney.wirecolor = wristBoney.wirecolor
while false
--parent the bones in the arm joint chain
forearmBoney.parent = shouldBoney
wristBoney.parent = forearmBoney
handBoney.parent = wristBoney
When it gets to the parenting portion at the end, it throws an error. Something about the command that presses the button for the Create End button…
Thanks for the help!
Ok, I solved this. It’s much easier to just create an ending joint with bonesys instead of trying to access the Bone Tools window, so I will just stick with that.