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[Closed] How to put back a changed UV vertex into the mesh

Hi guys,

I’m trying to automatically check a mesh for UV coordinates that are smaller than 0 or bigger than 1.

If so, I give them a value of 0.5.

After that I want to store those vertex values back into the mesh, but I don’t understand how to do that last step.

This is my script:

obj = $Box001
for f = 1 to obj.numfaces do
	face = getFace obj f
	vertx = getVert obj face.x
	verty = getVert obj face.y
	vertz = getVert obj face.z
	tFace = meshOp.getMapFace obj 1 f -- getTVFace obj f
	uvwVertX = meshOp.getMapVert obj 1 tFace.x
	uvwVertY = meshOp.getMapVert obj 1 tFace.y
	uvwVertZ = meshOp.getMapVert obj 1 tFace.z
	if(uvwVertX.x<0.0 or uvwVertX.x>1.0) do
		print("uvwVertX.x = " + uvwVertX.x as string)
		uvwVertX.x = 0.5
	if(uvwVertX.y<0.0 or uvwVertX.y>1.0) do
		print("uvwVertX.y = " + uvwVertX.y as string)
		uvwVertX.y = 0.5
	if(uvwVertY.x<0.0 or uvwVertY.x>1.0) do
		print("uvwVertY.x = " + uvwVertY.x as string)
		uvwVertY.x = 0.5
	if(uvwVertY.y<0.0 or uvwVertY.y>1.0) do
		print("uvwVertY.y = " + uvwVertY.y as string)
		uvwVertY.y = 0.5
	if(uvwVertZ.x<0.0 or uvwVertZ.x>1.0) do
		print("uvwVertZ.x = " + uvwVertX.x as string)
		uvwVertZ.x = 0.5
	if(uvwVertZ.y<0.0 or uvwVertZ.y>1.0) do
		print("uvwVertZ.y = " + uvwVertZ.y as string)
		uvwVertZ.y = 0.5
	-- meshop.setMapVert obj 1 f [uvwVertX, uvwVertY, uvwVertZ]

The last line (blocked out) fails because I’m using 3 x point3 values instead of 1 point3 value.

setMapVert asks for 1 point, but I have 3 points.

Could anyone teach me how to put all three values back into the mesh?

I have attached a simple box with UV coordinates that are out of bounds, as example.

Thanks so much!

2 Replies

Never mind, the solution is this:

meshop.setMapVert obj 1 tFace.x uvwVertX
meshop.setMapVert obj 1 tFace.y uvwVertY
meshop.setMapVert obj 1 tFace.z uvwVertZ

Thank you very much! You’re welcome dude. You’re awesome. Nah, you are.

FYI, the x/y/z components of a Point3 value can be accessed via an index – so you can use a for-loop instead of repeating your tests for all three axes.

The same goes for accessing the corners of a tri-face – it feels more natural to refer to a face-corner as faceVerts[3] instead of faceVerts.y

You aren’t doing anything with face-data, at least not in your example, so you might as well just run through each map-vert directly.

So a shorter/faster method for doing the same thing might be:

   local obj = $
   local chan = 1

   -- Get number of mapping-verts in channel 1:
   local numMapVerts = meshOp.GetNumMapVerts chan obj
   -- Process each mapping-vert:
   for mapVertNum = 1 to numMapVerts do
      -- Get mapping-vert:
      local mapVert =*meshOp.GetMapVert obj chan mapVertNum
      -- We only really need to modify mesh if there's been a change:
      local changed = False
      -- Process point's x/y/z, which can be accessed by index:
      for xyz = 1 to 3 do*
         local val =*mapVert[xyz]
         if (val < 0.0) or (val*> 1.0) do
            mapVert[xyz]*= 0.5
            changed = True
      -- Make changes to the mesh:
      if*changed do*
         meshop.SetMapVert obj chan mapVertNum*mapVert
   -- Editable Mesh needs 'Update' to show changes in the viewport: