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[Closed] How to press the OK button in JPEG IMAGE CONTROL window?

The title says the problem.

Here is the code:

	function FindVFBrollout titlePattern: =
		myDialogs = UIAccessor.getChildWindows 0
		maxVFB = undefined
		stopLoop = false
		for dlg in myDialogs while stopLoop == false do 
			dialogTitle = UIAccessor.getWindowText dlg
			if dialogTitle != undefined do
				if (matchpattern dialogTitle pattern:titlePattern) then 
					maxVFB = dlg
					stopLoop = true
	maxVFB = FindVFBrollout titlePattern:"*, frame * (*:*)"
	if (maxVFB != undefined) do
		vfb_children = UIAccessor.getChildWindows maxVFB
		vfb_saveButton = undefined
		stopLoop = false 
		for vfb_child in vfb_children while stopLoop == false do 
			if (uiaccessor.getWindowResourceID vfb_child == 261) then 
				vfb_saveButton = vfb_child
				stopLoop = true
		if vfb_saveButton != undefined do
			DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#dmoVFBSaveButton

			function DMONotification =
				windowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
				dn = (UIAccessor.GetWindowText windowHandle) as string
				if dn == " Save Image " do
					children = UIAccessor.getChildWindows windowHandle
					stopLoop = false 
					for vfb_child in children while stopLoop == false do 
						if (uiaccessor.getWindowResourceID vfb_child == 1148) then 
							uiaccessor.setWindowText vfb_child "D:\\Just testing.jpg"
							stopLoop = true
					--	Press the Save As button
					--	"how to press the OK button in "JPEG IMAGE CONTROL" rollout?"
			DialogMonitorOPS.RegisterNotification DMONotification id:#dmoVFBSaveButton
			DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = true
			UIAccessor.pressButton vfb_saveButton

Render any image and while the virtual frame buffer is visible execute the code. The VFB window will be found, the Save Image button will be pressed, the path where to save the image(with jpg extension) will be typed(in the File Name: field), the Save button will be pressed and JPEG Image Controll window will pops up. Now, how to press the OK button so the image to be saved?

5 Replies

works for 2014 max

function DMONotification =
				windowHandle = DialogMonitorOPS.GetWindowHandle()
				if windowHandle != undefined do
					data = windows.getHWNDData windowHandle
					format "window: % \n" data
					case data[5] of
						" Save Image ":
							children = UIAccessor.getChildWindows windowHandle
							searching = true
							for vfb_child in children while searching do 
								if (uiaccessor.getWindowResourceID vfb_child == 1148) then 
									uiaccessor.setWindowText vfb_child "D:\\Just_testing.jpg"
									searching = false
							--	Press the Save As button
						"JPEG Image Control":
	-- 						print (windows.getChildrenHWND windowHandle)							
							UIAccessor.PressButton (UIAccessor.GetFirstChildWindow windowHandle) -- OK
							DialogMonitorOPS.unRegisterNotification id:#dmoVFBSaveButton
							DialogMonitorOPS.Enabled = false

I know this does not answer your question, but can’t you just save the rendered bitmap and avoid the use of UIAccessor?

	image = getlastrenderedimage copy:false
	image.filename = "D:\\Just testing.jpg"
	save image

Serejah, thank you. I was on wrong direction whole day.

Jorge, the script will work in version of 3ds max lower than 2014. The problem is the gama when the image is saved. The getlastrenderedimage gives the image with wrong gama.
First I tried the code that I have posted here, but this JPEG Image Control was the problem.
Then I wrote a script that press the Copy Image button on the VFB and then saves it using dotNet(to avoid gamma issue) but I found that the copied image don’t have the size of the rendered image.
I have tried to lower the output gamma to 1.0 but this aslo not soves the problem.
Then I have started to think how I can use nested DialogMonitorOps to catch the JPEG Image Control window.
And everything was so easy.
In max2014+ we can use save image gamma:2.2but in max2014- we have to…

Does this “solve” the gamma issues in Max 2014-?

	image = getlastrenderedimage copy:false
	if (IDisplayGamma.colorCorrectionMode==#gamma) do image.gamma = IDisplayGamma.gamma
	image.filename = "D:\\Just testing.jpg"
	save image

Yes. Thank you.
And there is not a word in the Help file that this can be used to overcome that annoying problem.