just simple as:
iskindof node geometryclass and canconvertto node editable_mesh
Ok you talking about “pickObject” node. Now I get it.
Next is getRootGroupHead
I supose that I need to check if group is opened, right?
This freeze max, i not know why
fn getGrandParentGroup obj =
groupsArr = #()
while (obj.parent != undefined) do (if isGroupHead (grp=obj.parent) do append groupsArr grp)
Branko, this is infinite while loop. The obj never changes, so its parent never changes and the max continue to execute the while loop.
The function below will return all parents of the selected object. So, for the test scene it will return $Box005. Then can be checked which object in the allObjParents are group head or group member.
local allObjParents = #()
function FindRootParrent obj =
parent = obj.parent
if parent != undefined then
append allObjParents obj
FindRootParrent parent
append allObjParents obj
FindRootParrent $Box001
format "allObjParents: %
" allObjParents
I know how to find all parents but are you try to find root group in Denis example (“Group003”). He mentioned one line of code for that:)
Denis have one line solution, I have 100 lines solution – ugly, but I hope my solution to works properly no matter of how big the code is.
local allObjParents = #()
function FindRootParrent obj =
parent = obj.parent
if parent != undefined then
append allObjParents obj
FindRootParrent parent
append allObjParents obj
FindRootParrent $Box001
notFound = false
groupHead = undefined
for i = allObjParents.count to 1 by -1 while notFound == false do
if (isGroupHead allObjParents[i] or isOpenGroupHead allObjParents[i]) and (not (isGroupMember allObjParents[i])) do
groupHead = allObjParents[i]
notFound = true
format "groupHead: %
" groupHead
Can you try this
fn FindRootGroup obj &master=
if (p = obj.parent) != undefined do (if isGroupHead p do master = p ; FindRootGroup p &master)
FindRootGroup $Box001 &master
What do you think? Close enough?
this is not for picking node. it’s for loop where we have to collect only real geometries which can be converted to simple object plug-in
Return the correct result.
Denis have to say how close it is to his solution.
Mine is far far away.
and to find a root group head we really need only one line:
while <condition> do <iteration>
Always mystery with Denis.
whether the recursive function bad solution or one of many?