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[Closed] How to optimize this code

Hi guys,
Now is time to optimize some operations for inner edges deformations.
My plan is as follows:
By selecting several inner edges i need to create 4 type of deformations:
1. Wrinkles… 2. Scars… 3. [color=RoyalBlue]Cracks[/color]… 4. Scratches

Sample scene: inner_edges_example.rar
This deformations requires function for extruding edges.
Since there is no function such as polyOp.extrudeEdges() i wrote this:

   -- Select couple edges (in line) and run code 
          fn extrudeEdges obj extrudeWidth:1 extrudeHeight:-3 =
          	if isValidNode obj and classof obj == Editable_Poly do
          		currNumFaces = polyOp.getnumfaces obj
          		currSelEdges = obj.selectededges as bitarray
          		if currSelEdges.numberset != 0 do
          			if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#create
          			obj.edgeChamferSegments = 2
          			polyop.chamferEdges obj currSelEdges extrudeWidth
          			newNumFaces = polyOp.getnumfaces obj
          			newFaces = (obj.selectedfaces = #{(currNumFaces+1)..newNumFaces})
          			innerVerts = polyOp.getVertsUsedOnlyByFaces obj newFaces
          			obj.selectedverts = innerVerts
          			obj.constrainType = 3
          			polyop.moveVert obj innerVerts [0,0,extrudeHeight]
          			obj.constrainType = 0

There may be a better solution to this?

your function is not correct. it might work only on plane. i give you some hints:
#0: using edge chamfer is the right direction
#2: use vdata to mark vertices
#1: use face extrude
#3: weld groups of split vertices

Hi Denis,
I don’t understand i test this on other geometry objects and it’s works fine.
Open this file: my_test
I never before use “vdata to mark vertices”.
Can you show me a little snippet just for start?

try to play your function for geo sphere for example… you will see what i mean.

   You're absolutely right.
   Geosphere are problematic one, ie triangular polygons.
   This function follow [b]#0[/b] and [color=YellowGreen][b]#1[/b] [b]hints[/b][/color] that you suggested me, but [b]#2[/b] and [b]#3 hints 
     [/b]i don't know how to use[b].

       fn extrudeEdges obj extrudeWidth:1 extrudeHeight:2 =
      	if isValidNode obj and classof obj == Editable_Poly do
      		currNumFaces = polyOp.getnumfaces obj
      		currSelEdges = obj.selectededges as bitarray
      		if currSelEdges.numberset != 0 do
      			if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#create
      			obj.edgeChamferSegments = 1
      			obj.extrusionType = 1
      			polyop.chamferEdges obj currSelEdges extrudeWidth
      			newNumFaces = polyOp.getnumfaces obj
      			newFaces = #{(currNumFaces+1)..newNumFaces}
      			polyop.extrudeFaces newFaces extrudeHeight
      			-- what's next?

you are a half way from the solution now.
try to get how the vdata works. the feature is when any vertex with some vdata splits, all split vertices inherit its original vdata. you can find them and… weld by threshold.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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no… the problem is that you have to move the verts along their average (render) normals.

Thanks Denis,
i will try to find workaround.
Weld operation is not a problem.
But I do not know how the “WELD” will help in this situation (image below)

do not extrude after edges divided… do it before

Now i’m totally confused!
Why only meshOp.extrudeEdges() exist? Why?
Now I am stuck in the labyrinth:banghead:

try to catch my point… i can show the solution, but how will it help you to grow? if you want i will post the function… but trust me, when you find a solution yourself you will be much better than … you now what i mean.
ask me questions. i will answer… if i can.

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Problem solved. This is the final result.

fn extrudeEdges obj extrudeWidth:1 extrudeHeight:2 =
  	if isValidNode obj and classof obj == Editable_Poly do
  		currNumFaces = polyOp.getNumFaces obj
  		currNumVerts = polyOp.getNumVerts obj
  		currSelEdges = obj.selectededges as bitarray
  		if currSelEdges.numberset != 0 do
  			if getCommandPanelTaskMode() != #create do setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#create
  			vertslist = polyop.getVertsUsingEdge obj currSelEdges
  			getVDataChnl = polyop.getNumVDataChannels
  			getVDataVal = polyop.getVDataValue
  			setVDataVal = polyop.setVDataValue
  			getVertsUsingFace = polyop.getVertsUsingFace
  			-- weldVerts = polyop.weldVertsByThreshold
  			collapseVerts = polyop.collapseVerts
  			setVDataVal obj 4 #{1..(currNumVerts)} 0.0
  			cnt = 1.0 ; cntArr = #()
  			for vert in vertslist do 
  				setVDataVal obj 4 #{vert} cnt
  				append cntArr cnt ; cnt +=1
  			format "cntArr=%
" cntArr		
  			obj.edgeChamferSegments = 1
  			--obj.weldThreshold = 1e3
  			obj.extrusionType = 1
  			polyop.chamferEdges obj currSelEdges extrudeWidth
  			newNumFaces = polyOp.getnumfaces obj
  			newFaces = (obj.selectedfaces = #{(currNumFaces+1)..newNumFaces})
  			polyop.extrudeFaces obj newFaces extrudeHeight
  			cnt = 1
  			while cnt < cntArr.count+1 do
  				vertslist = getVertsUsingFace obj (obj.selectedfaces as bitarray)
  				local vertsGroup = #{}
  				for vert in vertslist where getVDataChnl obj == 4 and getVDataVal obj 4 vert == cntArr[cnt] do append vertsGroup vert
  				collapseVerts obj vertsGroup
  				cnt += 1
  extrudeEdges $

I’m happy now, as you said Denis

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