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[Closed] How to make gw.text draw on top?

Hey guys,
I was developing a script that i can create a “tag” on any object in a 3dsmax scene. And i made this external script independent, by embedding the drawing engine script by callbacks.addScript method. so the one who is tagging the objects can simply press “implant tags to the scene” and objects will have the tags even if we don’t have the script. all the object tags on the scene are controlled by a dummy, so anytime we can use the dummy to control the tags (ex: remove the embedded script by simply deleting the dummy… etc…)

all the stuff is going fine except i asked one of my friend to open a test scene i created and see if text is there. he told the tags are there, but they are drawn “behind” the objects. here is the code I used to draw text on each object:

fn GW_displayObjectTags =
	if isvalidnode $obj_tags then (
	--loads the keys

	--loops number of times equal to object count in the objects array
	for i=1 to tagged_objs_array.count do(

	--gets an objec by name
	objName = tagged_objs_array[i]
	objCatch = execute ("$"+objName as string)
	--see if ObjCatch Execute is successful
	if isvalidnode objCatch then (
		--set transform properties for the drawn text
		gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
		--for o in tagged_objs where not o.isHiddenInVpt do
		text_color=execute color_array[i]
		gw.text objCatch.pos taggs_array[i] color:text_color
		gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole  	

can anyone point out the changes I need to make, to make sure that every PC is drawing the text on top of the objects, not behind them.

and thanks a lot for everyone who is helping me with coding! :bowdown:

6 Replies

DenisT has showed the solution a while ago.


posInScreen = objCatch.pos
posInScreen.z = 0
ge.text posInScreen taggs_array[1] color:text_color

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Joined: 11 months ago

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sorry didnt work bro. instead of staying on top, text stopped following the object’s Z axis. i think we restricted its z movement with posInScreen.z = 0…

posInScreen = gw.wTransPoint objCatch.pos
posInScreen.z = 0
gw.text posInScreen taggs_array[1] color:text_color

Still no luck mate.
See the screen cap:

My bad.

posInScreen = gw.wTransPoint objCatch.pos 
posInScreen.z = 0 
gw.wText posInScreen taggs_array[1] color:text_color

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Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Thaks bro! that worked!