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[Closed] how to hide/unhide objects via CA Slider?
Apr 03, 2008 7:21 pm
hi guys, here’s a rookie question,
i have a ca slider that blend between fk and ik and i like to blend out(hide) all my fk controls objects when the slider is set to ik and vice versa
i tryed:
on slider changed val do
print val
well, i expected the actual value of the slider in the variable ‘val’ in listener window but nothing happens. pls help a hopelessly script noob
3 Replies
Apr 03, 2008 7:21 pm
i don’t use hide/unhide command for this
put a XForm modifier on your controller, and wire Gizmo’s XForm Scale controller to your IKFK variable
hope i can help you
Apr 03, 2008 7:21 pm
Hi sidvici,
the slider works fine for me.
rollout rol_test "Test"
slider testSlider "Test" type:#float range:[0,1,1]
on testSlider changed val do
$.visibility.controller.value = val
createDialog rol_test