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[Closed] How to get the moment AFTER a node is created?


I am trying to track the moment after a node has been created in order to give the user the possibility to name this node instantly. I am using callbacks (#nodeCreated) but my problem is that when the user creates e.g. a sphere this callback responds as soon as the user hits the left mousebutton, but I need to get the moment right after the user has adjusted the radius and releases the mousebutton again.

I had no success in combining callbacks and mouseTracking and using the node-event-system is not what I want since it responds on nodes beeing merged as well :-/. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

1 Reply

Use the NodeEventCallback mechanism. There you can supply a “mouseUp” parameter.

If you want to avoid the event being handled when merging, you can combine it with the preMerge, postMerge general event callback.