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[Closed] How to fix invalid symbol of a filename?
Aug 19, 2013 2:26 am
I have a problem of handle filename,the window file does not allow filename include these symbols:
For example,I input a filename in edittext:
“C: estpath\err?:””“ortest.jpg”
So how to make the edittext of maxscript to create a valid name to:
“C: estpath\errortest.jpg”
rollout test_filename "test"
editText path_test pos:[5,30]
on path_test changed txt do
if txt!= undefined then
if txt!="/" then filename=txt
print filename
CreateDialog test_filename 300 100
4 Replies
Aug 19, 2013 2:26 am
a quick fix could be
rollout test_filename "test"
fn fixName txt = (
invalidCharsAr = #("/", ":", "*", "?", "\"", "<", ">", "|" )
for c in invalidCharsAr do ( txt = substituteString txt c "" )
editText path_test pos:[5,30]
on path_test changed txt do
path_test.text = txt = fixName txt
print txt
CreateDialog test_filename 300 100
1 Reply
Aug 19, 2013 2:26 am
Ripped from Render To Texture script that is shipped with 3ds max.
-- function to make a filename valid by replacing illegal characters with a '_'
function MakeFileNameValid fileName = -- fname must be just filename, no path....
local illegal_characters =":/\\~!@#$%^&*()+=|'?><;[]{}\"" -- illegal characters in file name
local res = copy fileName
-- make sure the object name is legal for a filename
local count = res.count
for i = 1 to count do
if (findString illegal_characters res[i]) != undefined do -- replace illegal characters with _
res[i] = "_"
1 Reply