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[Closed] How To Detect A Specific Hotfix installation ?


I have a script which needs some specific hotfix installed on 3ds Max 2010.
The bug was corrected out-of-box in older version of 3ds Max.

At the installation, I would want to detect if this hotfix is installed so I can send the user to the hotfix download page directly.

This hotfix detection can be done either in maxscript or in NSIS (NullSoft Installer Script) because I use it to install the script on the user computer.

Anyway, even a simple clue with the registry keys to inspect will help me :).
I had no chances looking into the registry by my own.

Has anyone already dealt with that ?

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there is a structure in mxs to deal with registries. see the help -> Registry Structure

Hello Denis,

I know how to deal with the registry, either in Maxscript or NSIS but I can’t find how to figure out if a hotfix is installed…

Do you already have this kind of needs in any of your numerous tools ?

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no I don’t. but maybe the maxVersion() can tell you that. the second item is max API number. It has to increase with every next release, sp, or hotfix.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to help…
Thanks anyway, Denis!

We use this to detect version differences between machines on startup (useful for the render farm too)

versinfo = dotnetclass "System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"
myFI = versinfo.GetVersionInfo  (pathConfig.appendPath (pathConfig.GetDir #maxroot) "3dsmax.exe")
versArray = filterString myFI.FileVersion "."	

the array returns slightly different results to maxversion(), in our case the second string is the service pack installed. You may be able to use the fourth value to work out the build of a particular hotfix.

Hello LoneRobot,

I found this code while searching a solution. Unfortunately, it seems unsufficient.
This solution is great to find a SP installation.

In my case, I know the specific hotfix used. However, I could search the SP delivered after my needed hotfix…

But I am not sure that Servive Packs contain all the previous hotfixes. It is not obvious when you read the ReadMe files…

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i’m absolutely sure that SP comes with all previous hotfixs or needs them to be installed. so if any SP is installed all previous hotfixs are installed too.