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[Closed] How to check that XRefScene deleted or not?

the story is… one of my clients found that “delete xref scene” button pressed second time causes an exception.
i’ve looked in my code guessing that i missed anything… but not. i am checking isdeleted (actually using my own safer version). Oops! and i’ve started digging… now i’m here

just want to say… of course i’ve found solution. but it’s a hack, what i don’t like

You’ve lost me Denis… what’s wrong with typing?
isDeleted xs

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it returns FALSE for me

And what is this hack??

Hmmm yes I can reproduce that in 3dsmax 2016 SP3

What was your hack to get around it other than using my string method?

Can reproduce in the latest beta build of max so there’s still a problem there.

Ah, works ok in 2017.1Update and later. I don’t see a way in earlier releases other than via something like try/catch.

The deletion check code is in maxsdk\include\maxscript\maxwrapper\mxsobjects.h and looks like the following, where val derives from MAXWrapper:

#define deletion_check_test(val)
( (val)->ref_deleted ||
( (val)->NumRefs() > 0 && ((val)->GetReference(0) == NULL) ) ||
( (val)->NumRefs() > 0 &&
(val)->GetReference(0)->TestAFlag(A_IS_DELETED) &&
( ((val)->GetReference(0)->GetInterface(INODE_INTERFACE)==NULL) ||
(((INode*)(val)->GetReference(0))->GetTMController() == NULL) ||
(((INode*)(val)->GetReference(0))->GetParentNode() == NULL)

There are certain times node values are handled via mxs while they are in the process of being created, deleted, or undo/redo of those. Thus some of the funkiness there…

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no… it doesn’t work. the reference target for xrefscene is upper rootnode … xrefscene->root … current scene in our case. which is of course stays valid. the tree was gone. but there is no method to get it (not hacky way) without using indexing … but the index stays VALID as well and resets only … i don’t know how. in mxs case only after exception.

probably max 2017 handles it, because GC was changed. maybe it forces the update.

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as i said above i’m using my safer method… the code shown has to be reviewed … it doesn’t take into account a situation where a node (animatable) is in ‘pre-deleted’ stage. when it also can’t be treated as a valid object. it happens for example at the moment of ‘predeleted’ node callback

do you think i am kidding?

   resetmaxfile #noPrompt
   b = box()
   savemaxfile (file = getdir #temp + @"\xref_test.max")
   resetmaxfile #noPrompt
   xx = xrefs.addnewxreffile file quite:on
   xs = xrefs.getxreffile 1
   format "added... % > % == %
" xx xs (xx == xs)
   delete xs
   format "valid:% deleted:%
" (isvalidobj xs) (isdeleted xs) 
/* output:
added... XRefScene:"xref_test.max" > XRefScene:"xref_test.max" == true
valid:true deleted:false

Doesn’t work for me in 2017 either…

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if it works in 2017 or 2018 as i said, it doesn’t change anything…
i can write a mxs value that will work only on Monday. all other days it will be shown as “valid camper value”

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