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[Closed] How to check for update online?

I like to include a ‘check for new version’ option in a script, which would query a variable on a server over the internet. What would be the best way to do this? my dotnet skills are a bit lacking.

7 Replies

get rappatools source code and you’ll find in there open the .ms search for update or version.dat :)…



Hey cool I hadn’t seen downLoadString that makes it easier. You don’t have to down load a file just to then read the number out of it.

by the way that’s the old version of the updater
now the update it’s different in version v313.16…
it’s like:

down_link = “ ” + (id2 as string) + “.mzp”

it will download the new setup then try(execute the setup)Catch(open rappatools)

Excellent… a question: does this have a time out of any sort? Could we say that the function fails if it can’t reach the server after x seconds?

i remember to have searched myself silly for a good example for ToolDownloads/updates so i wrote a small function, hope it helps you

the version.dat holds a single float number
webInstall.dat contains 2 arrays, 1 with the folders to create and the 2nd with FileNames and fileTypes.

	fn CheckUpdate isUpdate:false = 
		local result = undefined

		if internet.CheckConnection url:"" force:true == true then -- check InterNet connection
			local LaterVersion_installed = true

			if isUpdate then
				local onlineVersion = execute ((dotNetObject "System.Net.WebClient").downloadString "")
				local currentVersion = INTools.Version
				if onlineVersion > currentVersion do 
					LaterVersion_installed = false
				LaterVersion_installed = false

			if LaterVersion_installed do 
				messageBox  "You allready have the latest Version installed." title:"Latest Version" beep:false
				result = OK

			if not LaterVersion_installed AND queryBox "Would you like to start the Download and Installation Now ?" do 
				local Root = symbolicPaths.getPathValue "$Max"  --root folder in HDD
				local webRoot = ""
				local folders = (execute ((dotNetObject "System.Net.WebClient").downloadString ""))[1]
				local files = (execute ((dotNetObject "System.Net.WebClient").downloadString ""))[2]

				for i in folders do 
					makeDir (Root + i) all:true

				for i in files do 
					local location = webRoot + i
					local destination = Root + i
						(dotNetObject "System.Net.WebClient").downloadFile location destination --download
					catch( print ( (getCurrentException()) + "  " +i )  )

				local restart = queryBox  "Please check Listener for possible Errors
Restart required, Restart Now?" title:"Download and Installation finished" beep:true
				if restart do 
					local file = symbolicPaths.getPathValue "$Max" + "\\3dsmax.exe"
					shellLaunch file
				result = OK
			) --end querryBox
			--try to call to see if there is no connection or just my server not available for error messaging
			if internet.CheckConnection url:"" force:true == true then
				messagebox "the server is currently not available, please try again later"
				result = undefined
				messageBox "no Internet-Connection"
				result = undefined
	CheckUpdate isUpdate:false




I’v also got an idea.
First, Raphael, when i run the code

internet.CheckConnection <A href=""">url:"" force:true

,it usually take 10 or more seconds to get the result.
Followings are my method:dragAndDrop.downloadPackage

dragAndDrop.downloadPackage #("[ ]( )") "E:\\" true

And dragAndDrop.downloadPackage is provided by MXS itself, don’t need .net.
This code will download “RappaTools-v1.6.mzp” to your E disk. Of course u can change it to any file freely.And next, use your imagination. Goto reference to read more:)

yes but my tools are plugin based… not a complete set, and as i dont want to setUp 12 new packages everyTime i change sumthing i rather change a file, or simply add a line