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[Closed] how to change render imagefile squencefile prefix?
Jan 13, 2010 9:07 am
originalText = "d:\ est0000.bmp" as string -- sets your text string as a variable
newTextPart = substring originalText (originalText.count-14)10 --counts back 14 characters from the end, uses the first 10 characters
newText = newText + ".bmp" -- puts the ".bmp" back on the end of the text string
Here, this should give you the information that you need. Using substring commands you can edit your strings of text, change parts and assemble them later.
Hope this is useful.
Jan 13, 2010 9:07 am
I suggest you to use some batch file rename with some external program. Also, mayby this threadwill help. I had to do something like that but it’s dirty solution, so if :
- The output is set to folder which is empty
- You render on one machine (not net render)
- You don’t put output of render elements in the same folder
then you can evaluate this script before you press render button:
global changeOutputNames
fn changeOutputNames = (
fn pad inp ln ch:"0" = (
inp = inp as string
while inp.count < ln do inp = ch + inp
local digits = 3
local outPath = ""
if rendoutputFilename != undefined then
local outPath = getFilenamePath rendoutputFilename
local outFile = getFilenameFile rendoutputFilename
local files = getFiles (outPath + "*")
local counter = 0
for f in files do
local oldName = (outPath + ( getFilenameFile f ) + ( getFilenameType f ) )
local newName = ( outPath + outFile + ( (pad counter digits) as string) + ( getFilenameType f ) )
renameFile oldName newName
counter += 1
callbacks.removeScripts id:#postRenderHandler
try (
callbacks.removeScripts id:#postRenderHandler
callbacks.addScript #postRender "changeOutputNames()" id:#postRenderHandler
) catch ()
This script simply adds post render callback. After render, it get ALL files in output directory, changing names using rendoutputFilename and padded file counter – you can specify the number of digits changing “digits” variable. At the end it removes callback.