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[Closed] How to change Preference Settings via UIAccessor.SendMessage?
Oct 04, 2014 7:27 am
Hi guys,
I want to change Preference Settings by maxscript ,It seemes UIAccessor.SendMessage can handle it but I don’t know how to use,any help?
max file preferences
--switch General to Files
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2 Replies
This is not perfect solution but works
-- with first line below you can stop the timer after testing
if notifier != undefined do notifier.stop()
global notifier = dotNetObject "Timer"
notifier.interval = 10000 -- interval 10sec
dotNet.addEventHandler notifier "Tick" \
fn clockTick s e =
if tabbedDialogs.isOpen #preferences do
--check current "tabPageSpec"
tabPageSpec = (tabbedDialogs.getCurrentPage #preferences)
format "PageTitle: % tabPageSpec: %
" (tabbedDialogs.getPageTitle #preferences tabPageSpec) tabPageSpec
-- tabPageSpec for "Files tab" is #(62607537,245381968)
if (tabbedDialogs.getCurrentPage #preferences)[1] != 62607537 do
tabbedDialogs.setCurrentPage #preferences #(62607537,245381968)
I just tested,it worked like a charm!!! Too much thanks,I cost almost half day ,now I know how to handle it. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
2 Replies