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[Closed] how to access numbered rollout elements?
Oct 15, 2016 5:07 pm
Hi all,
how can I access a rollout element whose name needs to be composed with the value of a variable, like in this case:
global testRollout
rollout testRollout "a test" (
button btn1 "buton1"
button btn2 "buton2"
button btn3 "buton3"
fn changeButtonCaption ind = (
--how can i change here the caption of the correct button (in this case, it would be btn2 as ind=2...)
testRollout.btn+i.caption = "it worked" --of course this does not work...
testFloater = newrolloutfloater "Exportador de assets" 300 500
addrollout testRollout testFloater
changeButtonCaption 2
5 Replies
Oct 15, 2016 5:07 pm
Use this as a reference:
global testRollout
rollout testRollout "a test" (
button btn1 "buton1"
button btn2 "buton2"
button btn3 "buton3"
fn changeButtonCaption ind = (
--how can i change here the caption of the correct button (in this case, it would be btn2 as ind=2...)
for c in testrollout.controls do
if classof c == buttonControl do
if == "btn2" do c.text = "New Name"
testFloater = newrolloutfloater "Exportador de assets" 300 500
addrollout testRollout testFloater
changeButtonCaption 2
Oct 15, 2016 5:07 pm
I didn’t remember the ‘controls’ property. Thanks @miauu.
Here’s a code that allows changing nearly everything of the rollout, all in a single global. Perhaps it can help someone.
global testRollout
struct testRolloutST
floaterTitle = "Exportador de assets",
floaterSize = [300, 500],
floaterPos = [200,200],
rolloutTitle = "a test",
UINames = #("button1", "button2", "button3", "Axis"),
testRollout1 = rollout testRollout1 rolloutTitle
button btn1 UINames[1]
button btn2 UINames[2]
button btn3 UINames[3]
radiobuttons rdb_test UINames[4] labels:#("X", "Y", "Z")
fn changeUICaption ind newCaption =
testRollout1.UINames[ind] = newCaption
testrollout1.controls[ind].text = newCaption
fn destroyFloater =
floaterSize = ::testRollout.testFloater.size
floaterPos = ::testRollout.testFloater.pos
closeRolloutFloater testFloater
fn createFloater =
testFloater = newrolloutfloater floaterTitle floaterSize.X floaterSize.Y
testFloater.pos = floaterPos
addrollout testRollout1 testFloater
on create do
testRollout = testRolloutST()
-- UINames initial values
format "testRollout UINames= %
" testRollout.UINames
-- Change UINames before creating FloaterRollout if needed
testRollout.changeUICaption 2 "New Button2"
format "testRollout UINames= %
" testRollout.UINames
-- Change UINames after creating FloaterRollout
testRollout.changeUICaption 2 "Re-New Button2"
testRollout.changeUICaption 4 "New Axis"
format "testRollout UINames= %
" testRollout.UINames
-- Resize, move and Close FloaterRollout
testRollout.testFloater.size = [300,300]
testRollout.testFloater.pos = [800,200]
-- Create FloaterRollout again. UINames, position and size are the same than the last time
-- Change FloaterRollout and Rollout Titles
testRollout.floaterTitle = "Exportador de assets 2"
testRollout.rolloutTitle = "a test 2"
2 Replies
I use the controls property all the time. Especially when I have to save and load settings of an rolout.
-- load settings
on rol_MyRollout open do
for c in rol_MyRollout.controls do
case classof c of
CheckBoxControl: c.state = (readValue ((getIniSetting iniFile "Settings" as stringStream))
EditTextControl: c.text = ((getIniSetting iniFile "Settings" as string)
ColorPickerControl: c.color = (readValue ((getIniSetting iniFile "Settings" as stringStream))
SpinnerControl: c.value = (readValue ((getIniSetting iniFile "Settings" as stringStream))
-- save settings
on rol_MyRollout close do
for c in rol_MyRollout.controls do
case classOf c of
CheckBoxControl: (setIniSetting iniFile "Settings" (c.state as string))
EditTextControl: (setIniSetting iniFile "Settings" (c.text))
ColorPickerControl: (setIniSetting iniFile "Settings" (c.color as string))
SpinnerControl: (setIniSetting iniFile "Settings" (c.value as string))
That’s magic! Not only the use of ‘controls’ for saving and loading (I use to saving every parameter one by one), but the use of ‘readValue — as stringStream’ to convert string to value.
Thanks again, @miauu. I allways learn from you.