[Closed] how to "deep-reset" the matrix of an object?
hi everone,
i have had some problems with displacements tearing my model to pieces when rendering in mr, while others models with the same displacement look perfectly normal.
the model in question went through some “unorthodox” modelling methods (extensive back-and-forth mirroring and whatnot).
now i noticed that the only thing that i can do to make it render normal is to scale the subobjects up by 500% and then scaling the whole model back to it’s original size.
all other reset methods (xform, reset scale etc) could not produce this, so I was wondering if there is some deeper maxscript method to reeeally reset an object internally, not just for show.
i had problems with psychotic models a gazillion times throughout the years, models that, in the process of modelling, at some point started to act weird (even after trying all the usual methods known to me)
is there even such a thing as a perfectly reset state, where every vertex is at peace with itself and the world coordinates?
Hi, I’m not sure if it would work, but there’s another thing you could try: do a snapshot, then convert it to Editable Poly if needed. The snapshot create another node getting the base mesh from current world state object.
Just write: “snapshot $” in the listener (without double quotes)
after selecting the problematic object. Just my shot in the dark.
- Enrico
could you post sample max file with a screwed object(s)?
Reset XForm has to fix any “transform” related problems.
try this:
local o = selection[1] , n,p,w,s
CollapseStack o
n=o.name ; p=o.pivot ; w=o.wirecolor; s=sphere()
convertTo s PolyMeshObject ; polyOp.attach s o
polyOp.deleteFaces s (polyOp.getElementsUsingFace s 1)
s.name=n ; s.pivot=p ; s.wirecolor = w ; ResetXForm s
CollapseStack s
I can’t see why the reset xform in the tools panel can’t correct the problem, that is what it is there for. Have you tried my reset Xform utility?
thanks for your input
I will try those methods (i’m out today so won’t have results until tomorrow) (although i tried a manuel version of that script merlin and it did not help)
will also try your script, paul, which i know I used sometime in the past.
have you seen the tool under this link?
there is no download or anything but in the “notes” section he (or she) talks about some forms of resetting that cannot be done with reset xform. anyone heard about that?
at some point of the modelling stage, the object has been scaled down as a child of a point helper (meaning the point helper was scaled down).
I am sure that this is what introduced the error, although i cannot see why all the resets would not fix this
another thing i tried that works is exporting the model as 3ds and importing it back.
it is bigger when i import it but the displacments work.
(btw, i will check if i am allowed to post the model)
That tools looks good, I have not tried it so I can’t tell you how well it is working.
i found this topic that relates to my problem. paul, it has you and the guy who wrote the matrix-tool in it – so i guess i must be on the right track
will try to bend my head a little more around the matrix math.
I’m posting the tool, in case it’s useful… but I’m not sure if it will make a difference,
PEN ResetXform should be enough… resetXform maxscript,etc
there are things I’d like to update… and test more…like bones reset without xform modifier…
interactivity stuff,etc…
it basically resets the matrix across the tracks and not through the matrix itself. something that maxscript or utility panel doesn’t, the rest is matrxi math for rigs
by default the orientation is preserved except skew,
to preserve skew in the geometry its necessary to uncheck ‘XForm No Skew’, because this tool reads the values as they are in reality, and not in appearance…(scale and rotation/ if mixed)… in other words if one wants to pass the skew to the xform modifier, this option must be unchecked
objects with script controllers cannot be reset of course
to collapse you have to QUAD menu/rclick/collapse
check if everything resets correctly as you want, and then save as… a copy of your scene
I’m including the code if anyone wants to check it…
rclick > toogle controls display
middle click > toogle window style
lclick > drag
Hi Ruramuq,
Seems the script wants this:
include "$scripts/[ RURAQ ]/[ LIBS ]/RURAQ.LIB.MATRIX.ms"
as well.
Interesting interface!