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[Closed] How to: Polygonizing Point Clouds

Hey guys,

I’m wondering if someone can help me. I need to polygonise a point cloud, but every vertex in the cloud has to be used.

I tried googling but I can’t find any white papers explaining the subject.

If anyone has any links I’d appreciate them, if not… I’ll keep looking.

Thanks in advance.

4 Replies

Have you tried the following?

for each point in the pointCloud
find the 2 closest pointCloudPoints
make a triangle from those 3 points
finish with removing duplicate faces process

This should give you something useful, but depending on the cloud data there may be holes.

Thanks Blue,
I’ll think along those lines, but I’m not sure if it’s going to work for me… I’d best explain what I want to do.

I’m in the process of making a script that will generate a skin around a heirarchy of bones, sort fo like ZBrush’s ZSpheres. Doing bones with a single child is easy but doing bones wil multiple children is kind of a nightmare.

The points that I have are generated object aligned quads at the end of each bone and I need to attach all of these together into what could become a complex mesh.


Maybe you might want to take a look at the “delaunay triangualation”:
[via ]
There are several implementations for programming languages and a good explanation.

Maybe you can extend this concept to polygons.

Alex Morris tried it but never finished.
Also prettyPixel had another approach.

I needed it once for pure visualisation and ended in reading the point cloud as particle positions.


Ok, I kind of figured it out.

The point cloud polygonization is a bit of overkill.

The way ZBrush does it is that a zSphere can be no more complex than a cube, with nodes attached a cubes faces… I’ll finish this script tonight and then I’ll give you guys a preview soon