[Closed] how get this?
The thread you started on Monday gave the answer:
I slightly modified j-man’s code below, and it works fine in max:
fn findhead obj =
if (isGroupHead obj)
then (return obj)
else (if (isGroupMember obj) then (findhead (obj.parent)) else (return undefined))
This function will return the node itself, so if you want the name of the group (or “None” if there is no group), use the code below:
local ReturnedNode = (findhead obj)
local TheText = (if ReturnedNode!=undefined then ReturnedNode.name else "None")
I finally began using the above code in a script of my own, and I realized that it only returns the first group head found as it goes upward through the group structure. If you are testing a node that is a member of a group within a multitiered or “nested” group, then it will not return the top level group head.
I modified the test expression to fix this. Before returning any group head node, it tests whether that group head is also a group member, which would make it a lower group nested within another group. When this is the case, it keeps searching up the structure until it finds the top level group head.
fn findhead obj =
if ((isGroupHead obj)AND(not (isGroupMember obj)))
then (return obj)
else (if (isGroupMember obj) then (findhead (obj.parent)) else (return undefined))
I was pleased with that little one liner, but never go any thanks for it. I’m glad you’ve managerd to transform it into something a little bit more useful. I feel dirty though LOL.
Thank you very much for that post earlier this year…seriously.
You were answering czweb’s question, but you showed the first clear example of a recursive function I’d ever seen. I didn’t even know a function could call itself until I read your post. Even after having your example, I still have to stare at it a bit to get my “barely-coding” head around it. Thanks again.