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[Closed] how get object group Head
May 06, 2006 9:06 am
isGroupHead yourNode --where yourNode is a valid object node
Please refer to docs first before u post your question here.
1 Reply
Hmmm, Im not sure this is correct.
The method isgrouphead will tell you if a node is a group head, but it wont tell what that objects group head is.
You may notice that objects can either be part of a group, or be parented by linking to another object, but not both. Interestingly, and object can be parented to another object of the same group.
$myobjext.parent will return either the parent of an object, or the header of a group. so, we can build a recursive function to search though an objects parents so see which one is a group head.
fn findhead s=if isgrouphead s[1] then return s[1] else if isgroupmember s[1] then findhead #(s[1].parent) else return undefined
I’m sure there are other ways to do this.