It is a good idea to put my logo to all my scripts, that have UI(for now it is placed in one of my scripts).
Just have to find the best place for the logo.
I agree with you. My opinion about logo placement:
#1 top left corner, before script title
#2 big icon/logo in instaler
#3 separate “about” rollot with the rest of personal infos (like in most commercial plugins)
that’s where i put it. and this is why the logo was designed to look right 16×16
In the rollout titlebar? Is this possible with standard mxs rollout, or you use dotnet form?
yes. you can set your own icon to any window including max dialogs. it needs c# help of course, but it’s not too complicate. i will show it as soon as be around max.
try(destroyDialog test_rol)catch()
rollout test_rol " < - Custom" width:200 height:20
on test_rol open do
d = (windows.getChildHWND 0 test_rol.title)[1]
WM_SETICON = 0x0080
bm = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" (getdir #ui + @"\Icons\Grips\width.png")
ptr = bm.GetHicon()
icon = (dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Icon").FromHandle (dotnetobject "IntPtr" ptr)
windows.SendMessage d WM_SETICON ICON_SMALL icon.handle
createDialog test_rol
no c# help. just mxs + .net
In max2014 this line gives an error:
bm = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" (getdir #ui + @"\Icons\Grips\width.png")
But, when I changed the path to the width.png(used full path) it works.
Thank you.
in 2014 they changed some default paths including Icon. also in 2014 is easier now to get hwnd for a dialog. it’s a property now.
That’s the trick. I try your code and it’s works very well in max2014 on win8.1 window.
Just need to change path for icon.
(getdir #ui_ln + "icons\AddPreset_16i.bmp")
sure… you can use any color to define it as transparent. alpha channel has to work as well.
It does I used…
bm = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" (getdir #ui + @"\Icons\LockButton_i.bmp")
and it used the alpha in the image
that’s what i’m talking about:
bm = dotnetobject "System.Drawing.Bitmap" (getdir #ui + @"\Icons\AddPreset_16i.bmp")
bm.MakeTransparent((dotnetclass "System.Drawing.Color").FromArgb 209 209 209)
If the used icon is in png format, then the transparency is used as alpha.
By the way, which one is better?
i like the honeycomb idea more for sure…
but it seems like the second icon was stretched… that’s not good… you have probably to design the icon to be 16×16 with no scaling. the ‘canonical’ icon might use up to 10 custom colors. historically it was 16 colors palette, but 6 colors were reserved: white, black, red, green, blue, and yellow