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[Closed] how do you like my new avatar?

probably this is not the right place to ask about an ‘art’.
i’ve decided to bind my tools with my signature. the logo was designed for the icon sized by 16px. this icon from now on will accompany all my tools and my tool dialogs.
it was designed to fit both light and dark schemes. it says… can you read what it says?

it might suck… that’s ok. but i am really proud for every pixel

actually this post is not about my new avatar… i want to talk about a ‘personal signature’ in our business

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I’ve already told you in a previous post that I like it. Now that I know and it’s purpose, it makes even more sense. Can’t wait to check out your tools!
About the letters now, I read the same thing with Pacermike. The first and the third seem like they are just mirrored. But if you look closely there is a slight difference. The third letter is missing 3 shadow pixels on the left, so don’t know, it seems like ‘J’. But it doesn’t make any sense cause ‘D’ and ‘T’ stands for Denis Trofimov but J?! hahah


I actually think it looks pretty cool. It has a slight Arashikage ninja clan logo flavor to it (from G.I.Joe) because of the colors and straight lines. I think it says “d t b”, am I right?

When I first saw it pop up I was hoping that maybe this was a logo for a side company for selling some of your tools I had my wallet ready.

Anyway, I think a logo or signature is a nice touch on tools, especially when it’s simple and graphic like this. As someone who uses tools more than makes my own I appreciate that kind of thing and it kind of gives a name or personality to it. Reminds you that there’s a person behind it and it’s not just a bunch of magic, anonymous buttons to push.

‘b’ ?.. i’ve told… i am responsible for EVERY pixel

true! i feel a ‘taking’, but i couldn’t get from where. is it really too close?

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No, no, not too close at all. Yours had just a slight enough hint to make me think of the ninjas’ logo. And if you can make people think of ninjas I think you’re probably doing something right, haha.

d t s ?
Denis Trofimov Script/Signature/Special

:bowdown: :applause:

Looks cool. I know it stands for dts… but like a few have commented, it does appear that the “s” is missing its top horizontal curve… maybe you could add a small slash like the length of the crossing of the “t” ?

Your logo is cool. I’m big fun of symbolic logos and here is my small contribution to this thread. Here are some variations of your logo (3d ortographic look)
Also here is the *.psd, *.pdf, and *.cdr file

denisT scripts…

i’m using dts prefix for many years to make my globals unique from others. i know one pretty popular 3d party max plugin who named one of its global variable “vdata”. so i will not be very surprised when it will be taken by anyone else.
and i hope that my _dts_LoadSaveAnimationManager will be unique structure in the system.

i understand you very well. i’m a big fan of any sort of icons, logos… sometimes i write a tool for a couple hours and spend days after that designing an icon for it :)… because a tool without a good icon is like a ship without a name.

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Exactly:thumbsup:. I not have problem with logos but with GUI , help document or video tutorial.
Huge amount of time but as you said without logo, proper presentation and explanation how it works most tools worth nothing.

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