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[Closed] how do i get a variable to represent ticks

I have a script reading a text file then it animates objects using that data

Working with frames this script works fine

But I need my variable T1 to represent ticks not frames.

I have the time configuration set to MM:SS: TICKS

[color=lemonchiffon]T1 = click*ppq/4800 – Ppq=anything from 96 to 2082 – Click=anything from 0 to 9999999 [/color]


[color=blue][color=cyan]at[/color] [color=lemonchiffon]time T1 rotate theObj rot_key – rotate object at tick T1[/color][/color]

How do I get T1 to represent Ticks? right now it sets frames I have read the help files but cant quite work out the answer

Thanks for Reading

4 Replies

at time (execute(T1 as string + “t”)) rotate theObj rot_key

I think that what you’re trying to do. If you just give “at time” a number it’s going to assume that it’s a frame value.

Hope it helps.

Thanks martinez I will give that a go

That works fine Thanks again

Some simple time conversion rules without using Execute:

Integer to Frames:
theValue = 100
theValue as time –> 100f

Float to Frames:
theValue = 100.5
theValue as time –> 100.5f

Integer to Frames to Ticks:
theValue = 100
(theValue as time) as integer –> 16000 (when TicksPerFrame is 160 @ 30 fps)
theValue*TicksPerFrame –> 16000

Full Frames to Float
theFrames = 100f
theFrames.frame –> 100.0

Float Frames to Float
theFrames = 100.5f
theFrames.frame –> 100.5

Float Frames to Ticks
theFrames = 100.5f
theFrames as float –> 16080.0 (because 80 ticks are 1/2 frame @160 ticks per frame)

Frames To Integer
theFrames = 100f
theFrames.frame as integer –> 100

Ticks To Integer
theTicks = 16000
theTicks/TicksPerFrame –> 100 (assuming TicksPerFrame == 160 @ 30 fps)

that list will help me out , Thanks Bobo