[Closed] how do i analyze a surface?
could someone explain how can i analyze a surface by its points ?
to store the U coordinates and V coordinates in a 2 dimensional array.
basically how do i loop through the points of a surface by columns and rows separetely?
an arbitrary mesh (surface) doesn’t have columns and rows. are you asking about loops and rings?
You could check this tutorial out as it builds a parametric hand and may point you in the right direction.
If denisT can’t help you, then you’re running out of options lol
right thank you! i’ve seen that before. will have a better look now.
i was also wondering if it is possible to sort the vertex indices of a mesh surface.?
i dont know if it is clear enough.
hm ok. then how can i loop through U direction first and V direction after, and store the vertex points in a 2dimensional array : surfpoints[i][j] for example
btw what do you mean rings ?
never mind… it’s kinda a professional slang. hopefully someone will find a time to be with you.
I was thinking about sorting vertices too.
But how? By distance to some point in world space? By UV mapping?