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[Closed] how do I create a Custom Attribute slider?


I’m using PEN attribute holder 2 and I would like to add a custom attribute slider (with script)

How can I do that?

1 Reply

Hi one way is this:

create a string containing your customAttribute definition and add it to the object:

 -- dummy values
   -- attrib def start
theCustAttr = "theAttribute = attributes CAT_Test (
theCustAttr +=	"parameters main rollout:roTest
theCustAttr +=    "	(
theCustAttr +=	"		theKm type:#integer ui:theKm default:"+realKm as String+"
 -- skiped details
theCustAttr +=	"	)
theCustAttr +=	"	rollout roTest \"Parameters\" 
theCustAttr +=	"	(
theCustAttr += "		spinner theKm \"km:\" range:[0, 100000.0, "+realKm as String+"] type:#integer 
theCustAttr +=	"	)
theCustAttr +=	")
-- attrib def end	 
 -- add it to the selected object
custAttributes.add $.modifiers[1] (execute(theCustAttr))

This examle adds a spinner, but adjusting it would be easy.
If there is a way without “execute”, please post it.
