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[Closed] how creat spline from file

there are read(Read Geometry Data From Text File ) and write(Output Geometry Data To Text File) script in maxscript manual that can save a shape information in a file and in reverse retrieve the info(poses of vertices and face indexes) then make a mesh.
I need only save the shape and draw back the spline not the mesh from files.
anyone can help me?

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I used to have a script like that for Max 3, but it looks like I have lost the source, at least I cannot find it on my site.

The BFF exporter has some code that does the spline IO.
The theory is similar to meshes, but instead of vertex and face lists, you have to go through all splines in the shape and export the vertex positions, corner types and tangents.

I extracted that code from BFF:

fn export_spline_external o external_file_name =
	local out_file = createFile external_file_name
	e_spline = copy o
	addmodifier e_spline (edit_spline())
	collapsestack e_spline
	format "-------------------------------------------------------------------
" to:out_file
	format "--  Spline Definition For [%]
" to:out_file
	format "-------------------------------------------------------------------
" to:out_file
	format "--  SOURCE SCENE NAME:		[%]		  
" maxFileName to:out_file
	format "--  EXPORT DATE:		  	[%]		  
" localtime  to:out_file
	format "--  SOURCE VERSION:	   	[%]		  
" (maxversion()) to:out_file
	format "-------------------------------------------------------------------
" to:out_file

	format "\"%\"
" to:out_file
	format "% 	--Spline Count
" e_spline.NumSplines  to:out_file
	for s = 1 to e_spline.NumSplines do 
		format "% 	--Spline Knot Count
" (numKnots e_spline s) to:out_file
		format "% 	--Spline Closed?
" (isClosed e_spline s) to:out_file
	for s = 1 to e_spline.NumSplines do
		num_verts = (numKnots e_spline s)
		format "--KNOT LIST FOR SPLINE %
" s to:out_file
		for v = 1 to num_verts do
			get_type = getKnotType e_spline s v
			get_vert = getKnotPoint e_spline s v
			get_in = getInVec e_spline s v
			get_out = getOutVec e_spline s v
			format "%, %, %, %, %
" v get_type get_vert get_in get_out to:out_file
		)--end v loop

	)--end c loop
	format "-----------------
" to:out_file
	format "-- End Of File --
" to:out_file
	format "-----------------
" to:out_file
	close out_file
	delete e_spline

fn generate_spline_code in_file =
	ext_file = openFile in_file
	splineName = readValue ext_file
	num_splines = readValue ext_file
	spline_verts = #()
	spline_closed= #()
	for s = 1 to num_splines do
		append spline_verts (readValue ext_file)
		append spline_closed (readValue ext_file)
	new_obj = splineShape()
	for s = 1 to num_splines do
		addNewSpline new_obj
		for v = 1 to spline_verts[s] do
			readValue ext_file
			addKnot new_obj s (readValue ext_file) #curve (readValue ext_file) (readValue ext_file) (readValue ext_file)
		if spline_closed[s] then close new_obj s 
	updateShape new_obj = uniquename (splineName+"_Import")
	close ext_file

theFileToExport = "c:\	emp\\mysplinetest.txt" --define a file name
export_spline_external $ theFileToExport --export the currently selected spline
edit theFileToExport --open the file to see the result
generate_spline_code theFileToExport --import the file

Thank you Bobo for reply.

the script file has problem when I run it, the error comes at this line:
splineName = readValue ext_file
and the error is this :
– Runtime error: Read past end of file

I think I dont need so much of codes.
actualy I have many geometrical shapes that I want to draw them onetime and then use them as reference
to build objects. for this purpose I need write splines only once and read them many times. I dont have problem
with the first part cuz I used the sample file for Output spline from maxscript manual, but I got problem with
drawing spline with my data from exported file.also there is Read data files in that manual but it convert the
datas to mesh (vertices and faces) I only need a function to draw spine from vertices positions that stored in
data file. pls see the sample code in maxscript manual and then make the changes in those files.
Thank you very much!

here is the title in maxscript manual for those sample codes:
How to read/write geometry data from/to text file.

Ijust came to have to use this, so I made a small UI, and code change
to read/write multiple splines to a text file.
Thx Bobo

 fn export_spline_external splines external_file_name =
 	local out_file = createFile external_file_name
 	format "-------------------------------------------------------------------
" to:out_file
 	format "--  SOURCE SCENE NAME:		[%]		  
" maxFileName to:out_file
 	format "--  EXPORT DATE:		  	[%]		  
" localtime  to:out_file
 	format "--  SOURCE VERSION:	   	[%]		  
" (maxversion()) to:out_file
 	format "-------------------------------------------------------------------
" to:out_file
 	for o in splines do
 	format "--  Spline Definition For [%]
" to:out_file		
 	format "-------------------------------------------------------------------
" to:out_file
 		e_spline = copy o
 		addmodifier e_spline (edit_spline())
 		collapsestack e_spline
 		format "\"%\"
" to:out_file
 		format "% 	--Spline Count
" e_spline.NumSplines  to:out_file
 		for s = 1 to e_spline.NumSplines do 
 			format "% 	--Spline Knot Count
" (numKnots e_spline s) to:out_file
 			format "% 	--Spline Closed?
" (isClosed e_spline s) to:out_file
 		for s = 1 to e_spline.NumSplines do
 			num_verts = (numKnots e_spline s)
 			format "--KNOT LIST FOR SPLINE %
" s to:out_file
 			for v = 1 to num_verts do
 				get_type = getKnotType e_spline s v
 				get_vert = getKnotPoint e_spline s v
 				get_in = getInVec e_spline s v
 				get_out = getOutVec e_spline s v
 				format "%, %, %, %, %
" v get_type get_vert get_in get_out to:out_file
 			)--end v loop
 		)--end s loop
 		delete e_spline
 	format "-----------------
" to:out_file
 	format "-- End Of File --
" to:out_file
 	format "-----------------
" to:out_file
 	close out_file
 fn generate_spline_code in_file =
 	ext_file = openFile in_file
 	while not eof ext_file do
 		splineName = readValue ext_file
 		num_splines = readValue ext_file
 		spline_verts = #()
 		spline_closed= #()
 		for s = 1 to num_splines do
 			append spline_verts (readValue ext_file)
 			append spline_closed (readValue ext_file)
 		new_obj = splineShape()
 		for s = 1 to num_splines do
 			addNewSpline new_obj
 			for v = 1 to spline_verts[s] do
 				readValue ext_file
 				addKnot new_obj s (readValue ext_file) #curve (readValue ext_file) (readValue ext_file) (readValue ext_file)
 			if spline_closed[s] then close new_obj s 
 		updateShape new_obj = uniquename (splineName+"_Import")
 	close ext_file
 rollout SplineIO_Rollout "Spline IO"
 	group "Write"
 		editText edtWritefile "" 
 		button Wbrowse "..."
 		button Write "Write"
 	group "Read"
 		editText edtReadfile "" 
 		button Rbrowse "..."
 		button Read "Read"
 	on Wbrowse pressed do
 	f=getSaveFileName caption:"Choose file to Save" filename:(GetDir #scripts +"\\myspline.txt") types:"Text(*.txt)|*.txt|All|*.*|"
 	if f != undefined do edtWritefile.text=f
 	on Rbrowse pressed do
 	f=getOpenFileName caption:"Choose file to Open" filename:(GetDir #scripts +"\\myspline.txt") types:"Text(*.txt)|*.txt|All|*.*|"
 	if f != undefined do edtReadfile.text=f
 	on Write pressed do
 		sh=for s in selection where superclassof s==Shape collect s
 		if edtWritefile.text!="" do
 			export_spline_external sh edtWritefile.text
 			edit edtWritefile.text
 	on Read pressed do
 	if edtReadfile.text!="" do generate_spline_code edtReadfile.text
 createdialog SplineIO_Rollout

Thank you very much friends.