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[Closed] How can I acsess ALL controller in the


I need to turn on Keyable property in ALL controller in the scene.
What would be the way to make sure to get ALL controller in the scene?


2 Replies

Have a look at GetClassInstances…

Controller_Array = GetClassInstances Controller

Should store every controller in the scene into the array.

1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

it doesn’t work…

Here is a solution:

fn getAllSceneControllers =
 ss = stringstream ""
 showClass "*:*controller*" to:ss
 allcontrollers = #()
 seek ss 0
 while not eof ss do
  s = filterstring (readline ss) ":"
  cclass = execute s[1] 
  join allcontrollers (getclassinstances cclass)
-- double check for controllers only
 allcontrollers = for c in allcontrollers where iscontroller c collect c