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[Closed] how can I make an instance from an xref?

hello to all of you!

I run into a kind of an odd behavior in 3ds Max 2008:

when I want to make an instance from 2 objects I can write:
$obj1.baseobject = $obj2.baseobject

but when I’m trying to do the same with xrefs I get an error:
“– Runtime error: Cannot diretly set a node’s base object” (the spelling error was in the source!)

is there a simple way to make 2 xrefs instances of each other?

2 Replies

I think this should work with xref objects:

replaceInstances <old_MAXWrapper> <new_MAXWrapper> transferCAs:<bool>

replaceInstances $obj1 $obj2


it works!

you’re a Genius!

Thank you!