[Closed] how can I Create VRayPhysicalCamera from View?
Hi all
I want to create VRay Physical Cameras from View???
when I hit Ctrl + C , it creates a standard camera from view .
I tried to find a action (VRay Physical Cameras) in Cuztomize User Interface for shortcut but I could not find it.
I found a script for VRay Physical Cameras in this web http://forums.cgsociety.org/archive/index.php/t-408521.html
how can I use this script in 3ds max?
If you can help me to create a shortcut for VRay Physical Cameras tell me
thank you
put the macroscript code into a notepad textfile, rename it from “xxx.txt” to “xxx.mcr”.
put this file into 3dsmax/scripts/startup/
after restarting max there will be a new category “category:“Lights and Cameras”
in the customize UI interface, you can then assign the command to a menu item, a toolbar icon or a shortcut.
Hi Plastic
you helped me to find VrayPhysicalCAmera and I can create VRayPhysicalCamera from View
Thank you very much