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[Closed] hopw do I remove a constraint uasing a script?
Jan 16, 2013 8:37 pm
I selcetd anewly created object and type this in the listener:
If I have an orient constrained object selected:
How can I remove that Orientation_Constraint controller?
4 Replies
1 Reply
change it to Euler_XYZ
if iskindof node.rotation.controller Orientation_Constraint do node.rotation.controller = Euler_XYZ()
Jan 16, 2013 8:37 pm
Sweet! thanks.
I was leaving the I[/I] off of the Euler_XYZ()
I guess you can’t ‘remove’ a controller per se, you must reassign it…
I ran this function on my objects:
fn removeConstraints obj =(
and the positions and orientations spazzed out…I guess I need to read their current positions first, then specify these as I assign the positon_XYZ() and EULER_XYZ() controllers.
Jan 16, 2013 8:37 pm
you have to store and restore node’s transform to keep the node in place. like:
fn removeConstraints obj =(
tm = obj.transform
obj.transform = tm