[Closed] Hiding objects outside camera cone
I use this script to create a frustum culling cone for my camera and I use the cone to hide faces of some object like ground with vol select and delete mesh operators.
But what I miss is a script to hide objects outside of the camera cone.
Does anyone know of such a script?
I know forest pack pro and vue Carbon Scatter do it but I would like to do it by maxscript.
Use this to get objects inside the cone, and then invert the selection.
I found this one and it seems to work!
I load it in the RPManager “Before:” script section that way it’s executed at every frame.
finally it was not working at everyframe, it just run the script on first frame. to make it run at everyframe at render time I had to use the callback command like this:
here is what it looks like in the before script and after script of RPManager:
before script:
callbacks.removescripts id:#hideNonVis
txt ="TestGeom=$capRock_* ---TESTED GEOMETRY"
txt +="TheCamera=$camC ---TESTED CAMERA"
txt +="DoCullPlane=undefined
txt +="infront=undefined
txt +="GetCameraDirections =undefined
txt +="fn infront TheCullPlanePos TheCullPlaneDir TesObjPosition = if (dot TheCullPlaneDir (normalize(TesObjPosition-TheCullPlanePos)))>=0 then true else false
txt +="fn DoCullPlane Passgeom TheCullPlanePos TheCullPlaneDir = (
txt +="local TestGeom=Passgeom
txt +="local Passgeom=#()
txt +="for testPlane in TestGeom do
txt +="(
txt +="local testTransform=testPlane.objecttransform
txt +="local vis=false
txt +="for p in testPlane.mesh.verts while not vis do vis = infront TheCullPlanePos TheCullPlaneDir (p.pos*testTransform)
txt +="if vis do append Passgeom testPlane
txt +=")
txt +="Passgeom
txt +=")
txt +="fn GetCameraDirections theCamera = (
txt +="local dirs=#()
txt +="local CamTR=TheCamera.objecttransform
txt +="local TheCullPlanePos=theCamera.objecttransform.position
txt +="local HFOV=theCamera.fov/2.0
txt +="local VFOV = atan(tan(HFOV)/((renderWidth as float)/renderHeight*renderPixelAspect))
txt +="local offset=1000
txt +="local w=Offset*(sin(HFOV)/sin(90-HFOV))
txt +="local h=Offset*(sin(VFOV)/sin(90-VFOV))
txt +="local TL=([-w,h,-offset]*CamTR)
txt +="local BR=([w,-h,-offset]*CamTR)
txt +="local TR=([w,h,-offset]*CamTR)
txt +="local BL=([-w,-h,-offset]*CamTR)
txt +="dirs[1]=TheCamera.dir * -1 --front
txt +="dirs[2]=cross (normalize (TL-TheCullPlanePos)) (normalize (TR-TheCullPlanePos)) --top
txt +="dirs[3]=cross (normalize (BR-TheCullPlanePos)) (normalize (BL-TheCullPlanePos)) --bottom
txt +="dirs[4]=cross (normalize (BL-TheCullPlanePos)) (normalize (TL-TheCullPlanePos)) --left
txt +="dirs[5]=cross (normalize (TR-TheCullPlanePos)) (normalize (BR-TheCullPlanePos)) --right
txt +="dirs
txt +=")
txt +="TheCameraPos=theCamera.objecttransform.position
txt +="directions=GetCameraDirections TheCamera
txt +="hide testgeom
txt +="testgeom.wirecolor=black
txt +="for testdir in directions while TestGeom.count >=1 do TestGeom=DoCullPlane TestGeom TheCameraPos TestDir
txt +="testgeom.wirecolor=green
txt +="unhide TestGeom
callbacks.addscript #preRender txt id:#hideNonVis
txt ="unhide TestGeom"
callbacks.addscript #postRender txt id:#hideNonVis
After script:
callbacks.removescripts id:#hideNonVis
unhide $capRock_*
there is also a callback feature in RPManager, but that one just ran the script randomly only on some frames…
The script is working but when I render a test frame, I sometimes get those errors. Does anyone can see why?
– Unkknown property: “objecttransform” in undefined
And after render: – No ““unhide”” function for undefined