[Closed] hide unhide rollout
anyone knows how to hide/unhide rollout for example in material editor.
I´ve made new type of material from standard material…added one rollout with user defined parameters,but now i want to hide(not roll down) for example dynamic properties rollout and shader basic parameters rollout.
Is it possible?
Thx Mr.Or
You can replace the complete UI with
in a scripted material.
If you want to use some parts of the default UI, you will have to double it in your material I guess.
thanx for reply rdg,
but i know replaceui ,but i dont know how to double them.Because i need forwbackw connection betwen original values for example “Diffuse map” and new (doubled) value just renamed to “My Dif map”
Thx Mror
You can access the diffusemap with:
If you add a mapbutton to you custom interface you can change the delegate map parameters.
on choosemap picked texmap do(
Thanx a lot rgd
we will try it,and make this way
once more thanx a lot
i tried the delegate method, but this function dont work in textmap, it woks just with spinners and others.
All i want to do, make new rollout with map(ex.My specular map) button and if ill choose a texture(bitmap) it will apear in standard material rollout(maps) specular color map slot and in this new My specular map slot.
How can i do it??
Thanx for advices
thanx for reply.
here is a par of code.
heckbox DiffuseChecker “Diffuse map” checked:false align:#left across:3
spinner DiffuseValuer “” type:#integer range:[0,100,100] align:#left width:40
mapButton DiffuseMapper “<<none>>” align:#right height:16 width:145
on DiffuseMapper picked ThisPicked do delegate.diffuseMap = ThisPicked
on DiffuseValuer changed NewValue do delegate.diffuseMapAmount = NewValue
on DiffuseChecker changed NewState do delegate.diffuseMapEnable = NewState
Everythig except delegate.diffuseMap is functional properly.
Thanx for advice.
I must admit that I don’t know whats wrong.
Apart from your code being incomplete, my reduced sample doesn’t work either.
The texturemap only shows up in the viewport, but doesn’t render.
I will try to solve this later.
plugin material rdgDiffuseMapTest name:"rdgDiffuseMapTest" classID:#(0x7c330adb, 0x2cd0b566) extends:Standard replaceUI:true version:1(
parameters main rollout:params(
textmap type:#texturemap ui:textmap
on textmap picked newMap do delegate.diffusemap=newMap
rollout params "choose Map"(
mapbutton textmap "none"
I remembered to read to HelpFile ( I need a postit note at my monitor for this !).
And there it is:
[left]A materialButton cannot be used in a rollout of a scripted map plug-in. The 3ds max Material Editor architecture assumes that a Sub-Material can only be a child of another material and will be confused when trying to assign a sub-material to a map
That is why it won’t work:)
A scripted Material plugin cannot be used with mentalray – as the translator doesn’t recognise it.
I guess it is better to have a (floating) rollout that composes a material. That way you can use alle the features of maxscript guis and still have standard-compliant materials.