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[Closed] hide "MXS auto increased heap size "?How to?

Hi everyone,
I notice that when my script running,the Maxscript window shows ‘MXS auto increased heap size to:3232332’,can I disable 3dsmax showing this message or hide it,is there a way?
My script is a little large,if a scene is big enough,like 300M or more,open it will cost about 30 seconds or more,so I decide preload it after 3dsmax start(place the script to 3dsmax startup dir),if users want run my script ,the loading time will more faster then not preload it,but when it preload after 3dsmax running, the ‘MXS auto increased heap size to:3232332’ will shows,I just want to disable it or hide,whatever,I do not want users notice my script is preloaded,any help?thanks!

7 Replies

I don’t know if it is possible to disable it(i think that it is not), but you can try to increase the MXS heap size in your script with an amount that will not force 3dsMax to auto increase the heap size.

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that is absolutely correct. default mxs memory size in ridiculously small (7.5 or 15 Mb depends on version). i suggest to set it 200Mb

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Oh,thanks,but this can crash 3dsmax or make 3dsmax cause errors?

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I just searched,did not find the code to do it via maxscript

I’ve tested
1.whatever I changed the heap size to any number,200(MB) or 900(MB),the ‘MXS auto increased heap size to: ’ still shows
2.When I set it to a number,such as 300,if the 3dsmax restart, the number will reset to default(15),why 3dsmax can not save my heap size setting?

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don’t set it more than 200Mb. it doesn’t make a sense. honestly 200 is too much too. if max wants to crash because of memory leaking there is nothing that can stop it

you have to set maximum mxs memory heap size manually using max preferences (or recommend to do it all your script users)

Too much thanks ,I see,I decide to add a menu so that can let users choose preload it or not.