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[Closed] Help with simple script

Hi all

I have numerous imported meshes that I would like to clean up a bit. They are imported as Editable Meshes non welded. So I tried to do a macro script by using the listener to record, and I came up with this:

actionMan.executeAction 0 “369” – Views: View Edged Faces Toggle
select $613
select #($613, $G_NSD0_XX_91022V_TUBE001) “Modifier Stack” “SubObject_1”
select $G_NSD0_XX_91022V_TUBE001 “Modifier Stack” “SubObject_1”
actionMan.executeAction 0 “40021”
$.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Vertex #{1…264}
$.weldThreshold = 0.000393701
$.EditablePoly.weldFlaggedVertices ()
subobjectLevel = 0
actionMan.executeAction 0 “369” – Views: View Edged Faces Toggle
modPanel.addModToSelection (smooth ()) ui:on
$.modifiers[#Smooth].autosmooth = on “Modifier Stack” “Convert_to_Poly”

Basically what I want to do with this is:
With my parts selected
Convert to EP
Vertex level
Select All
Weld (thr.hold 0.01mm)
Quadrify All
Smooth modifier
Convert to EP

Can anyone take a look at my script and maybe point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.

19 Replies

do you want to attach parts together and weld after that?
what Quad Size do you want to set?
how many Iterations for TurboSmooth do you want?

Hi Denis!

Once again you come to my aid!!! Thanks!

No I don´t want them attached, kept as seperate objects
Quadsize, hrmm I just press the Quadrify All button on the Graphite toolbar. Can´t find any settings…
I would like the Smooth modifier with the Autosmooth enabled. these parts are not ready to be turbosmoothed (yet)

Much appreciated Denis!

Take care

--if you want to attach:
with redraw off
	nodes = for node in selection where iskindof node GeometryClass collect converttomesh node
	main = nodes[1]
	for k=2 to nodes.count do attach main nodes[k]
	meshop.weldVertsByThreshold main main.verts (units.decodevalue "0.01mm")
	addmodifier main (QuadMesh quadsize:4)
	addmodifier main (TurboSmooth iterations:1)
	converttopoly main
--if you don't want to attach:
with redraw off  
	nodes = for node in selection where iskindof node GeometryClass collect 
		converttomesh node
		meshop.weldVertsByThreshold node node.verts (units.decodevalue "0.01mm")
	addmodifier nodes (QuadMesh quadsize:4)
	addmodifier nodes (TurboSmooth iterations:1)
	converttopoly nodes

you can set quad size and number of iterations to whatever you want

OK … I need to change the code a little…

 -- what you want:
 with redraw off  
 	setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#modify
 	for node in (selection as array) where iskindof node GeometryClass collect 
 		converttopoly node
 		node.weldThreshold = units.decodevalue "0.01mm"
 		polyop.weldVertsByThreshold node node.verts 
 		select node
 		modpanel.setcurrentobject node -- not really necessary
 		PolyBQuadrify off off
 		modpanel.addmodtoselection (Smooth autosmooth:on)
 		converttopoly node

Ahhh man, that is sooo freakin´ schweet… Thank u so much

Next time I´m in NY, I´ll buy you a LOT of beers, we get drunk, you hire me, I move to NY and we live happily ever after… Sounds like a plan too me!!!

Thanks D!

you are welcome

here is a PRO version (much faster and no flickering):

with redraw off  
	windows.sendmessage (windows.getmaxhwnd()) 0x000B 0 1
	setCommandPanelTaskMode mode:#modify
	nodes = for node in (selection as array) where iskindof node GeometryClass collect 
		converttopoly node
		node.weldThreshold = units.decodevalue "0.01mm"
		polyop.weldVertsByThreshold node node.verts 
		select node
		modpanel.setcurrentobject node
		PolyBQuadrify off off
		modpanel.addmodtoselection (Smooth autosmooth:on threshold:30)
		converttopoly node
	windows.sendmessage (windows.getmaxhwnd()) 0x000B 1 1
	select nodes

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