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[Closed] help with scripted modifier

I am relatively new to maxscript, so I’m sorry that this is an intensly newbie question. I have looked everywhere I can think of to find this out, but I think it is so simple it is just assumed knowledge.

Anyway, I want to write my own scripted modifier, and I have no idea where to start. I have downloaded sveral off the net, mostly scriptspot, so I can open them up and see how they work; so I can sort of “monkey see monkey do” with them.

But the one thing that I just cant figure out is the classID, every modifier I have downloaded defines a classID at the begining, which needs to be unique, but I cannot for the life of me work out how these classIDs are determined by the authors of the script. I tried just leaving it out, but the script failed. So how do I know what classID to give my modifier?

sorry again if this is a stupid question.

2 Replies

These can actually be generated using the MAXScript method genClassID()… for more info, you can check out the help entry in the MAXScript docs entitled “The Super Class ID and the Class ID”.

Kind regards,

oh thank you, I knew it would be something simple, this is a life saver… thanks