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[Closed] help with array
Mar 19, 2015 1:57 pm
Hi there
i try animate some objects beaed on time array and array of position this is a very simple example
teapot radius:10 pos:[0,0,0]
timeAr = #("0","5","10") --3
poseAr=#([-60,0,30],[-30,0,12],[0,0,0]) --3 pose
Ar1integer=for i in timeAr collect (i as integer)
append appenar Ar1integer
append appenar poseAr
for i =1 to appenar[1].count do
with animate on
slidertime =j
and my question is, is it possible to rewrite this script when we have a list of objects instead of one object and multidimensional array instead of an array
listobj=#($Teapot001,$Teapot002, $Teapot003, $Teapot004)
any help is so appreciated
Thanks in advance
1 Reply
Mar 19, 2015 1:57 pm
i put the answer maybe helpful for someone, it was a good practice for me
--list of our objects
lis_obj = for k=0 to 3 collect teapot radius:10 pos:[k*30,0,0]
--gathered position or transform
--defined key to be anomated
listPose_frame = #("10","20","30")
--The poseAr is a multidimensional array so to put the multidimwnsional array into simple array
for i = 1 to poseAr.count do (execute (("Pose_" +i as string)+" ="+(poseAr[i] as string)))
--collect all poses
Total_pos=for i=1 to poseAr.count collect ("Pose_"+i as string)
TimeArinteger=for i in listPose_frame collect (i as integer)
--now i connect this 3 arrays together
for k=1 to TimeArinteger.count do for i=1 to lis_obj.count do for j=1 to Total_pos.count do
with animate on
slidertime =kk
lis_obj[i].pos = ((execute Total_pos[k])[i])
Thanks God