[Closed] help whit my new script
hi all I’m verry new to maxscript and need some help.
I want to make a script that do the same as this
1.Select an Edge or 5 or more
2. then I Hold down Shift and select Vertexmode (all verts of the edges are selected now)
3.Select again Edgemode (nothing to hold, just click to edgesmode, all previous edges are selected now)
4.Remove the edge whit backspace
5.Select Vertex (just click at Vertex, same vertex than before are selected now)
6.Remove the vertexts that where selected
hope you can help me out
the buttons and labels I can do allready
hope you can help me
do you really need a script for this? Pressing “Remove” edges with CTRL removes both edges and their extra verts.
from max help:
To delete the associated vertices when you remove edges, press and hold Ctrl while executing a Remove operation, either by mouse or with the Backspace key. This option, called Clean Remove, ensures that the remaining polygons are planar.
yes sorry after reading more abaut the remove edge and verts thoghether.
I found that faster way also now I don’t need it any more but thx for the reply
the easiest way will be to use bitarrays, which use the form of #{}
for your steps:
- make a bitarray with the edges you want. For example :
firstEdges = #{1,4..8,15}
note that the above array includes 5, 6, and 7
- You will need to use the polyOp methods. For example (with an editable poly object stored as the variable named ‘obj’):
newVerts = polyOp.getVertsUsingEdge obj firstEdges
this will return another bitarray
you still have your original edges stored in ‘firstEdges’
to do this you will need to actually select the edges
polyop.setEdgeSelection obj firstEdges
obj.Remove selLevel:#Edge
- and 6) make sure to select the vertices BEFORE you remove the edges, but the code is very similar:
polyop.setVertSelection obj newVerts
obj.Remove selLevel:#Vertex
hope that helps!
I need some help again whit my script I wanne add icons that i made to the buttons off this script
rollout tmscript "TrackmaniaScript"
label tmscript "Made by Just Speeding" pos:[10,250] width:150 height:15
button MaxBox "MaxBox" pos:[2,30] width:75 height:20
button ProjShad "ProjShad" pos:[2,60] width:75 height:20
button LightFProj "LightFProj" pos:[2,90] width:75 height:20
button resxform "Reset Xform" pos:[2,120] width:75 height:20
button projshadrender "ProjShad Render" pos:[2,150] width:75 height:20
button lights "Lights" pos:[2,180] width:75 height:20
button export "QuickExport" pos:[2,210] width:75 height:20
button prelightpreview "PrelightPreview" pos:[80,30] width:75 height:20
button prelightrender "PrelightRender" pos:[80,60] width:75 height:20
button wirerender "Wireframe" pos:[80,90] width:75 height:20
on MaxBox pressed do
if $MaxBox != undefined
(messageBox "MaxBox already created!")
(Box lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 length:6 width:3 height:2.7 pos:[0,0,-0.2] wirecolor:red name:"MaxBox"
on ProjShad pressed do
if $projshad != undefined
(messageBox "ProjShad already created!")
(p = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 Pos:[0,0,-0.03] Length:6 Width:4 wirecolor:white name:"ProjShad"
fn DumpXForms obj =
( -- output node transform properties
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
-- output node's pivot point location
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
-- output object offsets
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
-- output object transform
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
-- output vertex position in local and world coordinates
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
-- calculate and output vertex position in world coordinates
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
-- define function for rotating only the pivot point
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly p (Eulerangles 90 0 0)
on resxform pressed do
(AddMod XForm
on lights pressed do
if $LightRR != undefined
(messageBox "Lights already created!")
(rr = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[-0.7,2.14,0.8] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightRR"
rot_rr = eulerangles -90 0 0
rotate rr rot_rr
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly rr (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
rl = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[0.7,2.14,0.8] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightRL"
rot_rl = eulerangles -90 0 0
rotate rl rot_rl
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly rl (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
fr1 = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[-0.78,-1.95,0.58] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightFR1"
rot_fr1 = eulerangles 90 0 0
rotate fr1 rot_fr1
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly fr1 (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
fr2 = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[-0.68,-1.95,0.516] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightFR2"
rot_fr2 = eulerangles 90 0 0
rotate fr2 rot_fr2
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly fr2 (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
fr3 = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[-0.57,-1.95,0.452] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightFR3"
rot_fr3 = eulerangles 90 0 0
rotate fr3 rot_fr3
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly fr3 (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
fl1 = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[0.78,-1.95,0.58] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightFL1"
rot_fl1 = eulerangles 90 0 0
rotate fl1 rot_fl1
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly fl1 (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
fl2 = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[0.68,-1.95,0.516] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightFL2"
rot_fl2 = eulerangles 90 0 0
rotate fl2 rot_fl2
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly fl2 (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
fl3 = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[0.57,-1.95,0.452] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightFL3"
rot_fl3 = eulerangles 90 0 0
rotate fl3 rot_fl3
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly fl3 (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
on LightFProj pressed do
if $LightFProj != undefined
(messageBox "LightFProj already created!")
(lp = Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:0.1 width:0.1 pos:[0,-2.2,0.58] wirecolor:yellow name:"LightFProj"
rot_lp = eulerangles 90 0 0
rotate lp rot_lp
fn DumpXForms obj =
format "%: %
" "transform" obj.transform
format "%: %
" "position " obj.pos
format "%: %
" "rotation " obj.rotation
format "%: %
" "pivot " obj.pivot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetpos " obj.objectoffsetpos
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetrot " obj.objectoffsetrot
format "%: %
" "objectoffsetscale" obj.objectoffsetscale
format "%: %
" "objecttransform " obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (local) " (in coordsys local getvert obj 1)
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world1) " (in coordsys world getvert obj 1)
local v_pos=(in coordsys local getvert obj 1)* obj.objecttransform
format "%: %
" "vert 1 (world2) " v_pos
fn RotatePivotOnly obj rotation= ( local rotValInv=inverse (rotation as quat)
animate off in coordsys local obj.rotation*=RotValInv
RotatePivotOnly lp (Eulerangles -90 0 0)
on export pressed do
a = maxfilepath
exportFile (a + "MainBodyHigh.3ds" ) )
on prelightpreview pressed do
Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:10 width:10 pos:[0,0,-5] wirecolor:gray name:"prelightplane"
skylight pos:[0,0,0] multiplier:1.1615 castShadows:on name:"prelight_preview_light"
select $sBody
fn renderLightmap obj currentMapType Xsize Ysize channel fullFileName =
fPath=getFilenamePath fullFileName
fName=getFilenameFile fullFileName
fType=getFilenameType fullFileName
bi = obj.INodeBakeProperties
bi.addBakeElement currentMapType
bi.bakeEnabled = true
bi.nDilations = 8
render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:Xsize outputheight:Ysize outputfile:(fPath+fName+fType)
bi.bakeEnabled = false
format "rendering node:% channel:%
" obj.name bi.bakeChannel
renderLightmap obj alightMap 512 512 1 (maxfilepath + "prelight_preview.tga")
delete $prelightplane
delete $prelight_preview_light
on prelightrender pressed do
Plane lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 length:10 width:10 pos:[0,0,-5] wirecolor:gray
skylight pos:[0,0,0] multiplier:1.1615 castShadows:on name:"prelight_light"
select $sBody
fn renderLightmap obj currentMapType Xsize Ysize channel fullFileName =
fPath=getFilenamePath fullFileName
fName=getFilenameFile fullFileName
fType=getFilenameType fullFileName
bi = obj.INodeBakeProperties
bi.addBakeElement currentMapType
bi.bakeEnabled = true
bi.nDilations = 8
render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:Xsize outputheight:Ysize outputfile:(fPath+fName+fType)
bi.bakeEnabled = false
format "rendering node:% channel:%
" obj.name bi.bakeChannel
renderLightmap obj alightMap 2048 2048 1 (maxfilepath + "prelight.tga")
delete $prelightplane
delete $prelight_light
on wirerender pressed do
select $sBody
modPanel.addModToSelection (Unwrap_UVW())
_size = 2048;
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].renderuv_width = _size;
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].renderuv_height = _size;
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].renderuv_fillmode = 0;--solid
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].renderuv_seamColor = color 255 255 255;
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].renderuv_showframebuffer = true;
theFileName = (maxfilepath + "Wireframe.bmp" )
$.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap5.renderUV theFileName;
convertToMesh $sBody
on projshadrender pressed do
skylight pos:[0,0,0] multiplier:1.2 castShadows:off name:"projshad_light"
select $ProjShad
fn renderLightmap obj currentMapType Xsize Ysize channel fullFileName =
fPath=getFilenamePath fullFileName
fName=getFilenameFile fullFileName
fType=getFilenameType fullFileName
sceneRadiosity.radiosity = Light_Tracer()
sceneRadiosity.radiosity.bounces = 2
sceneRadiosity.radiosity.rays = 250
bi = obj.INodeBakeProperties
bi.addBakeElement currentMapType
bi.bakeEnabled = true
bi.nDilations = 8
render rendertype:#bakeSelected outputwidth:Xsize outputheight:Ysize outputfile:(fPath+fName+fType)
bi.bakeEnabled = false
format "rendering node:% channel:%
" obj.name bi.bakeChannel
renderLightmap obj alightMap 1024 1024 1 (maxfilepath + "projshad.bmp")
sceneradiosity.radiosity = undefined
delete $projshad_light
createdialog tmscript
To use your icons for buttons first you need to create them.
Draw two bmp files. One will contain the image, second will be aplha channel (white-opacity, black-solid).
I using 16×15 pixels images for 20×20 sized buttons.
If you have the icons created you need to load them into memory. Add this code on begining of your script:
-- load buttons images
My_buttons_count = 1 -- how many single images contains the files (placed verticaly)
if( My_buttons != undefined ) then close My_buttons
My_buttons = openBitmap ((GetDir #scripts)+"\\My_Buttons.bmp")
if( My_buttons_a != undefined ) then close My_buttons_a
My_buttons_a = openBitmap ((GetDir #scripts)+"\\My_ButtonsA.bmp")
Now you can create button with icon:
button test_btn width:20 height:20 images:#( My_buttons, My_buttons_a, My_buttons_count, 1, 1, 1, 1 )
Check maxscript help to get know what means numbers in images:#( )