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[Closed] Help finding 3dsMax default installation and Bit version


you’re right, that makes much more sense

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Joined: 11 months ago

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I’m just curious. Why do you need it to know in stage when the MAX is already running? Why do you care about the bit version of an associated MAX and not care about MAX’s version for example?

I’m creating a script that needs to check for other “installations” of the same script in other 3dsMax installations.
So I got the path to the 3dsmax.exe through a txt, and I just needed to know if it was 32bit or 64bit in order to be able to “reconstruct” the “userscripts” folder properly.

But actually, I’m doing it completely different right now. I’m just having my script writing some info in the registry. Then when the user makes a second install of it, on another 3dsmax installation I just check the registry for previous entries so I’m able to tell if there were other installs of my script and if so where.

Hopefully I’ll be able to show my script in a couple of weeks, because I think it’s pretty cool

Here is a DOS batch file that will dump out the install directories for different versions of Max on your system.

You can use it to locate files without actually launching max.

I’ve used it as a basis for copying compiled plugins to their correct destinations as part of a Visual Studio post-build step.

ECHO off

REM Call wmic and set errorlevel == 1 if we are on a 32 bit system
wmic path win32_processor get addresswidth /format:list | find "=64" 1>nul

FOR %%V in (2008_10.0 2009_11.0 2010_12.0 2011_13.0 2012_14.0) do (

 FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=_" %%A in ("%%V") do (
   REM this is a 64 bit OS
   FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=	 " %%P in ('reg query "HKLM\software\wow6432node\autodesk\3dsmax\%%B\max-1:409" /v installdir /reg:64 ^2^>nul') DO (
    ECHO  Max %%A 32 bit is installed in %%Q
   FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=	 " %%P in ('reg query "HKLM\software\autodesk\3dsmax\%%B\max-1:409" /v installdir /reg:64 ^2^>nul') DO (
    ECHO  Max %%A 64 bit is installed in %%Q
  ) ELSE (
   REM this is a 32 bit OS
   FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=	 " %%P in ('reg query "HKLM\software\autodesk\3dsmax\%%B\max-1:409" /v installdir ^2^>nul'') DO (
    ECHO  Max %%A 32 bit is installed in %%Q

oh! Great! I’m sure this will come in handy quite soon!

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