[Closed] Help exporting edges to CSV file
Hello everyone I am trying to make a script that exports a list of edges to a CSV files.
Now these EDGES are special:
because they are the visible ones
because they if they are overlapping I want just one of them.
Now here is the problem:
what my script does is grab a mesh, build an array of visible edges. In that array search for duplicates and now the major problem: find the overlapping edges.
Now the overlapping edges have oposite vertex that is, if edge is made of AB vertexs the overlapping edge will be the BA vertex. Now how can I find these values in an Array of Arrays. this is a multidimensional array with both points of an edge per line.
so I need a way to find DUPLICATES values and MIRRORED values inside an array.
NOW this does not evaluate right. If you use a cube it will return 18 or so edges…
please see the code:
-----bernardo amorim
-----for FRANZ the god of mapping
-----with help of bobo and me.....
fn edgeVerts theObj theEdge =
if not (classof theObj == Editable_mesh or classof theObj == triMesh) do
return undefined
if theEdge < 1 or theEdge > (theObj.numfaces*3) do
return undefined
local theFace = ((theEdge-1)/3)+1
local theVerts = getFace theObj theFace
case ((mod (theEdge-1) 3) as integer) of
0: point2 theVerts.x theVerts.y
1: point2 theVerts.y theVerts.z
2: point2 theVerts.z theVerts.x
fn reverseArrayCopy arr =
for i = arr.count to 1 by -1 collect arr[i]
fn compareSubArrays first second =
result = true
if first.count != second.count then
result = false
for i = 1 to first.count do if first[i] != second[i] do result = false
out_name = getSaveFileName caption:"Open A Test File:" filename:"franz.csv"
out_file = createfile out_name
for obj in selection do (
tmesh = convertToMesh obj
tmesh.allEdges = true
theEdges = #()
theArrayInv = #()
edgeSelSet= #() -- Init. an Array
for face = 1 to tmesh.numfaces do -- Go through all faces
for edge = 1 to 3 do -- And for every of the 3 edges
if (getedgevis tmesh face edge) do -- If the visibility is true,
append edgeSelSet (((face-1)*3)+edge) --collect the edge
--setedgeselection tmesh edgeSelSet -- Select all visible edges
format "%
" edgeSelSet.count
for i = 1 to edgeSelSet.count do (
theEdges[i] = #()
for u = 1 to 2 do (
theEdges[i][u] = #()
v1 = getVert tmesh (edgeVerts tmesh edgeSelSet[i])[1]
v2 = getVert tmesh (edgeVerts tmesh edgeSelSet[i])[2]
theEdges[i][1] = v1
theEdges[i][2] = v2
format "%
" edgeSelSet.count
for i = 1 to theEdges.count do --go through all elements of the main array
for j = theEdges.count to i+1 by -1 do --go backwards from the last to the current+1
if compareSubArrays theEdges[i] theEdges[j] do
deleteItem theEdges j --if identical, delete the one with the higher index
---format "%
" theArray --print the result to the Listener
for j = 1 to theEdges.count do (
theArrayInv[j] = #()
for h = 1 to theEdges[j].count do (
theArrayInv[j][h] = #()
theArrayInv[j][1] = theEdges[j][2]
theArrayInv[j][2] = theEdges[j][1]
format "%
" theArrayInv.count
format "%
" theEdges
---format "%
" theArrayInv
theEdgesFinal = deepCopy theEdges
for i = 1 to theEdgesFinal.count do --go through all elements of the main array
for j = theEdgesFinal.count to i+1 by -1 do --go backwards from the last to the current+1
if compareSubArrays theEdgesFinal[i] theArrayInv[j] do
deleteItem theEdgesFinal j --if identical, delete the one with the higher index
---format "%
" theEdges --print the result to the Listener
format "%
" theArrayInv
format "%
" theArrayInv.count
format "%
" theEdgesFinal.count
for i =1 to theEdgesFinal.count do
format "%,%,%,%,%,%
" theEdgesFinal[i][1][1] theEdgesFinal[i][1][2] theEdgesFinal[i][1][3] theEdgesFinal[i][2][1] theEdgesFinal[i][2][2] theEdgesFinal[i][2][3] to:out_file
close out_file
THIS is most urgent please
is there a place where I can checkout some tuts on arrays…
—–bernardo amorim
—–for FRANZ the god of mapping
out_name = getSaveFileName caption:“Open A Test File:” filename:“franz.csv”
out_file = createfile out_name
for obj in selection do (
tmesh = convertToPoly obj
theEdges = #()
num_edges = obj.GetNumEdges()
for i = 1 to num_edges do(
v1 = polyop.getVert obj (obj.GetEdgeVertex i 1)
v2 = polyop.getVert obj (obj.GetEdgeVertex i 2)
format “%” obj.name to:out_file —-dont know if you need this or not
format “%,%,%,%,%,%
” v1[1] v1[2] v1[1] v2[1] v2[2] v2[3] to:out_file
close out_file