[Closed] Help: Transformation question
Hi lets say we have 2 objects. A and B
If I link the B to A, then B will use A’s coordinate system. By this I can allways tell B to get in the same position / rotation in relation to A’s Pos and Rot.
Here is my situation: I don’t want any of them to be linked. They both have the World coord. as there parent. But I still want to be able to set B’s Position/rot in relation to A
I know a workaround ( Link a Dummy to A, and then set B’s transform to the Dummys pos/rot)… But I like to do this with maxscript and not with a work around.
Is this possible?
Can this be done with the Transform?
Did this make sence?
B.transform = A.transform
will align B to A, placing its pivot point at A’s pivot, will match the orientation and if A had world-space scaling applied, will also match the scaling.
This copies the complete transformation matrix from A to B.
If you don’t want the scaling, you can reset the scaling back to 100% :
B.scale = [1,1,1]
You could use the in coordsys context.
in coordsys $obj1
$obj2.pos = point3 0 0 0
Will move $obj2 relative to $obj1’s transform, in this case moving obj2 to obj1’s position.
Besides that (and using a frozen transform) I don’t know what to do.
What he said.
I use ‘in coordsys’ all the time and works like a charm.
What about rotations?
Is it like this ? :
in coordsys $obj1
$obj2.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
That Quat thing is driving me crazy, is there anyone who can explain how that Quat is working?
Did this little ui, that shows how quat ( 0,0,0,0 ) affects A Single Selected Object.
But I just got more confused of how these quats work
rollout quadtester "quadtester" width:128 height:176
spinner spn1 "Val 1" pos:[24,24] width:64 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
spinner spn2 "Val 2" pos:[24,48] width:64 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
spinner spn3 "Val 3 " pos:[24,72] width:64 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
spinner spn4 "Val 4" pos:[24,96] width:64 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
on spn1 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value ))
on spn2 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value ))
on spn3 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value ))
on spn4 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value ))
createdialog quadtester
In the Help files it says:
The x, y, z values make up the vector portion. w is the angle of rotation about the vector.
I do understand vectors, but the W thing didn’t make sence to me?
Anyone who can help me in the right direction of understanding quats?
If you want the same rotation it would be:
in coordsys obj1 (obj2.rotation = (quat 0 0 0 1))
I don’t completely understand quats either, like what the “1” is for, but it works.
You can also do something like:
in coordsys obj1 (obj2.rotation = (eulerAngles 0 0 90) as quat)
This way lets you think in euler angles, but work in quats.
Thanks all
Great input about that scaling Bobo – Thanks!
Another question about qaut rotation:
If i have a Obj C and I want to blend it between ObjA and ObjB’s rotation,
I would take the quat values ObjC’s quat rotation: -0.352532 0.208981 0.0718038 0.909336
value one and mix it between ObjA and ObjB’s Value one in the quat?
((A’s value one +B’s value one) / 2 ) is that correct?
And then Value 2,3,4 one by one… is that correct?
[edit:] FatAssasin: yeah quat is a strange world… hope to get a better understanding of it.
I think I really starts to understand them now.
A quat is Typed like this: quat x y z w
the x y z part is a vector (plz tell me if you don’t know what that is)
as we know a vector doesn’t contain a rotation value, it is just a direction
Vector = direction
X Y Z descibes how mutch you want to look in eacth direction.
Ex X Y Z = 1 0 0 will make the object look in the X direction.
Ex. X Y Z = .50 .50 0 will make it look 50% in X direction and 50% in Y direction.
Now we have a direction, but we doesn’t know how mutch the object is rotating around itself. This is where we have the W value ( remember: quat x y z W )
The W defines how mutch the object is rotating around itself.
To help you see it visual, try this:
Open this scene (max 7):
select the bigbone.
Run this new version of the code:
rollout quadtester "quadtester" width:387 height:260
spinner spn1 "X" pos:[32,34] width:64 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
spinner spn2 "Y" pos:[32,59] width:64 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
spinner spn3 "Z" pos:[32,83] width:64 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
spinner spn4 "W Rotation around itself" pos:[79,124] width:142 height:16 enabled:true range:[-1,1,0] type:#float
GroupBox grp1 "Vector Direction" pos:[19,13] width:93 height:104
label lbl1 "Quat Result" pos:[11,169] width:283 height:29
on spn1 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value )
lbl1.caption = ("Quat Result - " + (spn1.value as string) + " " + (spn2.value as string) + " " + (spn3.value as string) + " " + (spn4.value as string))
on spn2 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value )
lbl1.caption = ("Quat Result - " + (spn1.value as string) + " " + (spn2.value as string) + " " + (spn3.value as string) + " " + (spn4.value as string))
on spn3 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value )
lbl1.caption = ("Quat Result - " + (spn1.value as string) + " " + (spn2.value as string) + " " + (spn3.value as string) + " " + (spn4.value as string))
on spn4 changed val do
( if selection.count == 1 do ($.rotation = (quat spn1.value spn2.value spn3.value spn4.value )
lbl1.caption = ("Quat Result - " + (spn1.value as string) + " " + (spn2.value as string) + " " + (spn3.value as string) + " " + (spn4.value as string))
createdialog quadtester
The code works on the current selected object (in this case the big bone).
If you don’t understand vectors, just tell and I’ll try tell it in a correct way