[Closed] help: convert the classof material
can anybody tell me how can convert the classof material…
for example i have many object in my scene and more classof materials
when i convert the material from using the object’s the script make material for every object’s it make the many same material for every… so
i thinking to use loop for sceneMaterials…
stndrd_mat = for i in sceneMaterials where classof i == Standardmaterial collect i
but i can’t make i to be other material like…
[size=2]scenematerials is read-only so you’d have to do it via objects $.material = raytracematerial () or you can copy them into the material editor like this
for i = 1 to scenematerials.count where classof scenematerials[i] == standardmaterial do
meditmaterials[1] = scenematerials[i]
meditmaterials[1] = raytracemateral ()
thank you for replay
but i thinking like that but i asking myself what if [size=2]scenematerials have more than 24 it’s will make a problem and i can’t to use the selection $.material becouse i do it already but i found max make many copy of the same material however this material.
for example if i have two objects and they have material raytrace if i use the $.material i will have the same two material to this objects.
i need to solve this problem by convert the node of material… and at last i found something like that in vray macroscripts … vray made the macroscript to convert material to others in vray but i still trying to understand it from yesterday i trying to use it in my script like i want… but if someone have a good plane … it’s a welcome…
Material conversion in Max is not so easy to perform. In fact when you convert a material to an other type you have to reassign all the bitmaps/textures/maps and the additional informations.
Also, when you convert a material I always recommend the artist to save the scene with the old materials, because after conversion they are lost.
And of course, you cannot modify scene materials like you did. You have to use obj.material to set the converted material (parsing all scene node objects). This is why old materials are lost Material Editor is just used to edit materials, not to store them
So, in your code you have to convert all the materials of a scene and assign them to the objects using them. Not: convert all the materials used by the scene objects because one material can be used by several nodes.
This is different and your code will be fastest.
Here is a macroscript I’ve coded. It was used in a video game production that got cancelled. The code is provided as is:
buttonText:"Convert Selection to DX Material"
-- Convert a standard material to a Rayman Material
-- Return the new material created
fn std2rayman oldmat bSuffix =
local newmat = undefined
newmat = Rayman_Material()
newmat.name = oldmat.name
if( bSuffix ) do
newmat.name += "_dx"
-- Get diffuse map
diffusemap = oldmat.diffuseMap
if( diffusemap != undefined ) do
if( classOf diffusemap == bitmaptexture ) do
-- Set properties for the first texture
newmat.Map1File = diffusemap.filename
newmat.Map1FileShort = diffusemap.filename
-- Return an array containing the materials from the selection
fn getMtlsFromObjects Objs =
MtlsArray = #()
for obj in Objs do
-- Append a material once
Idx = findItem MtlsArray obj.material
if( Idx == 0 ) do
append MtlsArray obj.material
-- Process all objects in Objs
fn ProcessObject Objs Mtls =
ObjectsToUpdate = Objs
local bDXSuffix
if( querybox("Export with \"_dx\" suffix ?") title:"DX Material Conversion" ) then
bDXSuffix = true
bDXSuffix = false
for Mtl in Mtls do
if( classof Mtl == standardMaterial ) then
newmtl = std2rayman Mtl bDXSuffix
if( newmtl != undefined ) do
-- Assign material to all the objects having material newmultimtl
for obj in ObjectsToUpdate do
if( obj.material == Mtl ) do
obj.material = newmtl
else if( classof Mtl == multimaterial ) then
newmultimtl = multimaterial numsubs:Mtl.numsubs
newmultimtl.name = Mtl.name
if( bDXSuffix ) do
newmultimtl.name += "_multidx"
-- Parse all materials of the multimaterial
for i = 1 to Mtl.materialList.count do
-- Convert current submap only if standardmaterial
if( classof Mtl.materialList[i] == standardMaterial ) do
newmtl = std2rayman Mtl.materialList[i] bDXSuffix
if( newmtl != undefined ) do
newmultimtl.materialList[i] = newmtl
newmultimtl.names[i] = Mtl.names[i]
newmultimtl.materialIDList[i] = Mtl.materialIDList[i]
-- Assign material to all the objects having material newmultimtl
for obj in ObjectsToUpdate do
if( obj.material == Mtl ) do
obj.material = newmultimtl
on execute do
local SelObjects, SceneObjects
SelObjects = (getCurrentSelection() as array)
SceneObjects = (objects as array)
--Mtls = sceneMaterials
Mtls = ((getMtlsFromObjects SelObjects) as array)
if( SelObjects.count > 0 ) then
ProcessObject SceneObjects Mtls
i found good idea to solve it try it i wait the comment
stndrd_mat = for i in sceneMaterials where classof i == Standardmaterial collect i
for i=1 to stndrd_mat.count do
obj_mat = for o in objects where o.material == stndrd_mat[i] collect o
new_mat = Brazil_Advanced ()
new_mat.bmtl_Cs_color = stndrd_mat[i].diffuse
new_mat.name = "Brazil Convert " + stndrd_mat[i].name as string
for o in obj_mat do
o.material = new_mat