[Closed] having the translate of a cart controll rotation of wheel
I have a cart which I want to animate. I want to make the simple expression that the movement of my cart in x controlls my wheeelrotation in y.
sorry, I know, this is absolutely noobs-stuff, but I can’t figure out how this is done. I got so far that I think I have to assign a Float Expression Controller to my wheel y rotation in Track View, but I don’t know how to get access to the x-translation of my cart.
the way i understood your problem, using the “Parameter Wiring” feature in max seems to be one of your best options…
Animation menu > Wire Parameters > Parameter Wiring dialog
hope this helps!
Jeah, thanks Galagast, exactly what I was looking for!
I managed to do it with a Script-Controller aswell in the meantime, but wiring Parameters is much better because you have direct feedback while moving the cart in viewport.
For those interested in the Script-Controller-thing:
Simply put there: 1/circumference of wheel * $nameOfCart.pos.y
It was the “$” i didn’t knew of!
Thanks Galagast