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[Closed] gw.marker is missing form world space

Having a little trouble with the some viewport overlays

rollout displayparams "Display Parameters"
	 label size_lbl "Icon Size:" align:#left offset:[-10,0]
	 spinner size_spnr "" type:#float align:#right range:[0,1e9,10.0] width:50 offset:[10,-20]
	 checkbutton displayPoints_ckbn "Display Points" width:160 height:20 checked:false highlightColor:blue
	 fn showPoints =
	 gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)
	 gw.text [55,50,50] "testing" color:green
	 gw.marker [50,50,50] #circle color:green
	 gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
	 on displayPoints_ckbn changed state do
		 if state then (
			 RegisterRedrawViewsCallback showPoints
		 ) else (
			 unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback showPoints

Everything works, the toggle button turns the text on and off without any issues. But the [color=red]gw.marker never shows up. It will work in 2d if I remove the “gw.setTransform (matrix3 1)” from the code, but they need to follow points in 3d space.[/color]

Any ideas why markers do not show up when the setTransform is set to the scene world space?