[Closed] gw.PrintInViewport
Hi is any smart way how i can stop print my fn when i don’t need it anymore . Because now when i don’t want run my script i must restart whole max stop run my script and i think it must be some other way
fn PrintInViewport =
for i in $** where i.isHidden == false do
gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
textpos = gw.wTransPoint i.center
gw.wtext textpos i.name color:[255,255,255]
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback PrintInViewport
registerRedrawViewsCallback PrintInViewport
Hi Peter and welcome,
to manage the viewport callback you need some interface to trigger it on and off. The following code creates a simple rollout with a checkbutton for your function.
rollout rolShowName "Show Names"
-- Rollout Interface
checkButton cbtActive "Activate!" width:80 align:#center
-- Drawing Function
function printInViewport =
gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
for item in objects where (item.isHidden == false) do
gw.text item.center item.name color:white
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
-- Interface Events
on cbtActive changed bState do
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printInViewport
if (bState == true) then
registerRedrawViewsCallback printInViewport
-- Rollout Events, just to be safe
on rolShowName close do
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printInViewport
createDialog rolShowName 90 30 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)
- Enrico
p.s. Your code looks better if enclosed into CODE tags.
Thanks for help SyncViewS and i promise next time i try use code tags for my script problem:) So if i understand this code right switch off in code is present with ” unregisterRedrawViewsCallback ” command but important is call this code in right time and in right way
So here is what i proposed. But i would like still to know if will be possible make this script initialize by keybord shortcut . On and Off by press keybord during work . I think that will be more faster and flexible how pressing button One more thanks for Enrico help i hope you found this script useful for your work in Max or inspiration.
macroScript Activate_Name category:"Kepo4Max" tooltip:"Activate Name" buttontext:"Activate Name"
rollout rolShowName "Show Names"
-- Rollout Interface
checkButton cbtActive "Activate Names" width:110
label lab1 "Kepo4Max@gmail.com"
-- Drawing Function
function printInViewport =
for i in $** where i.isHidden == false do
gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
textpos = gw.wTransPoint i.center
gw.wtext textpos i.name color:black
gw.wtext (textpos+[1,1,0]) i.name color:yellow
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
-- Interface Events
on cbtActive changed bState do
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printInViewport
if (bState == true) then
registerRedrawViewsCallback printInViewport
-- Rollout Events, just to be safe
on rolShowName close do
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback printInViewport
createDialog rolShowName 120 50 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_border, #style_sysmenu)
Hi Peter,
this new version doesn’t have an interface, unless you create a button through standard Max Customize User Interface panel. You can associate a shortcut to it and it will toggle object names in your scene. In this case the action is handled by the macroscript event “on execute”, and the rollout is only a placeholder for variables and functions.
macroScript ActivateName category:"Kepo4Max" tooltip:"Activate Name" buttontext:"Activate Name"
-- the rollout is declared as a global function to be accessible without
-- any interface
global rolActivateName
-- the rollout in this case is only a placeholder for variables and functions
-- and will not be displayed
rollout rolActivateName ""
-- the variable inside the rollout that traces the drawing callback status
local bState = false
-- Drawing Function
-- the drawing function
function printInViewport =
-- gw.setTransform can be called once only (out of loop)
gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
for item in objects where (item.isHidden == false) do
local p3TextPos = gw.wTransPoint item.center
gw.wText p3TextPos item.name color:black
gw.wText (p3TextPos + [1, 1, 0]) item.name color:yellow
-- gw.enlargeUpdateRect and gw.updateScreen can be called once only
-- (out of loop)
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
-- MacroScript Event
-- when the macroscript is executed, the drawing callback is toggled;
-- a toolbar button or a keyboard shortcut can be associated to the
-- macroscript in the standard customization panel
on execute do
-- to access functions and variables inside the rollout the full path
-- must to be specified: rollout.variable or rollout.function
if (rolActivateName.bState == false) then
registerRedrawViewsCallback rolActivateName.printInViewport
rolActivateName.bState = true
unregisterRedrawViewsCallback rolActivateName.printInViewport
rolActivateName.bState = false
- Enrico
p.s. If you want to try this script, be sure to remove any previous version from Max scripts folder. In WinXp you can find it in: .\Documents and Settings<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax<max version>\enu\UI\usermacros